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Learning and Development | 8 Min Read

Significance of decision-making skills in the workplace

Decision-making skills in the workplace are soft skills that help solve problems and challenges. Problems can refer to anything, from choosing the most suitable brand logo to building a growth marketing strategy.

In a workplace environment, decision-making is the process of deciding a course of action that maximizes the probability of achieving desired results. Employees with strong decision-making skills can thoroughly analyze the information that is presented to them, identify different, effective courses of action, and choose the appropriate strategy while considering the short- and long-term consequences of their decision.



Decision-making process

One of the best ways to make an informed and effective decision is by following a set process that ensures that all relevant information has been considered and every probable outcome has been considered. It is important to remember that it is not always possible to go through the steps in an obvious manner. In real-life situations, several steps may have to be merged, and in some cases, the responsibility and charge of different aspects of the situation may be distributed among different people.

  • Define the problem.
  • Brainstorm a range of possible solutions or courses of action.
  • Evaluate the benefits, drawbacks, and costs associated with each solution.
  • Select the most apt solution.
  • Implement the decision.
  • Assess the impact of the solution and modify it if required.

Benefits of decision-making skills

Streamlined processes:

Effective decision-making skills help identify problems, challenges, and opportunities and evaluate the possible solutions for selecting the best course of action that will be effective. This saves time and money, improving overall productivity.

Improved efficiency:

The ability to make informed decisions can help increase productivity in the workplace. Instead of wasting time on unnecessary problems, focus can be placed on more strategic tasks important for achieving organizational objectives and improving the organization’s overall performance.

Increased innovation:

Effective decision-making encourages innovation. The ability to explore new ideas and take calculated risks allows organizations to identify opportunities for growth. This can help ensure that the organization stays ahead of the curve and adapts to the evolving market conditions.

Enhanced trust:

Making quick and effective decisions also helps build confidence and trust within the organization. Showing an ability to make sound decisions helps employees gain respect and recognition and improve their career prospects.

Enhanced problem-solving skills:

Effective decision-making requires the evaluation of multiple options, analyzing data, and considering the outcomes of each solution. This process works well to improve problem-solving skills as well. Decision-making skills help identify issues early so they can be solved innovatively.



Ten examples of decision-making skills

1. Creativity

Creativity is a vital aspect of several successful decisions. Creativity can harness emotional and logical thinking to help come up with unique solutions, which sets strong decision-makers apart from the rest. Creativity helps brainstorm out-of-the-box ideas.


2. Problem-solving

Being able to come up with the best solution to a problem is crucial, and following a planned approach is a great way to do that. The ability to solve problems logically and thoughtfully while also considering all perspectives is important for all individuals and problem-solving skills is one of the most sought-after decision-making skills in leadership.


3. Collaboration

In the workplace, there are several instances where an individual is required to take input from others to reach the right decision. It is important to identify situations that require collaboration and arrange meetings that facilitate arriving at the right decision.


4. Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence refers to one’s ability to be aware of and in control of their emotions. High emotional intelligence allows individuals to express their emotions in a healthy manner. In decision-making, it is crucial to not let emotions take control to effectively convey ideas.


5. Logical reasoning

Logical reasoning refers to making an informed decision by looking at the presented facts in a logical manner. Decisions should be based on the advantages and disadvantages of different choices. Emotions should be put aside for rational thinking.


6. Research

Collecting all the information through research provides individuals with the resources they need to make an informed decision. It is crucial to look at the situation from all perspectives to gain a full understanding of it.


7. Critical thinking

Critical thinking skills allow for evaluating the core strengths and weaknesses of a given situation and determining the probable outcomes of different decisions. Visualization techniques can be used to imagine the results of choices.


8. Time management

Efficiency and proper scheduling help in the decision-making process. Spending time on the right parts of the situation and its possible solutions can help a lot. Knowing which areas to focus on and how to allot the correct amount of time to them can speed up the decision-making process.


9. Intuition

Intuition refers to a person’s trusting instincts. Instincts are born of the experiences of a person and their core values. The sum of the experiences one has had should also be factored into the decision-making process. Instincts should be associated with potential actions to understand if the decision is actionable and logical.


10. Leadership skills

Collaboration is key to effective decision-making. However, someone must always take the lead and make the final decision. Leadership skills help individuals consider all perspectives to choose a single course of action representing the team’s ideas. The importance of decision-making skills in leadership and leadership skills in decision-making cannot be undermined.


Improving the decision-making skills of employees


Encourage employees to take command of the decision-making process. Set time limits and convey the pros and cons of each choice. This can help make quicker and better decisions.

Ask for advice:

Create a culture of open learning and communication. This will help employees seek advice from experts, seniors, mentors, and colleagues.

The big picture:

Prioritize the more strategic decisions over smaller decisions. Help employees look at each decision from the perspective of organizational goals.

Time limits:

Set deadlines for employees for every decision. This will help avoid second-guessing. Set time limits according to the impact the decision will have.

Stimulate the mind:

Physical exercise can help improve energy levels and boost employees’ focus on the right decisions. Plan activities for the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of employees.


Rest is as important. Tired minds can suffer from decision fatigue and may choose the easiest option instead of the right option. Ensure that employees take their leaves, go on vacation, and take time out to clear their minds before making a decision.



Assessing candidates for decision-making skills

Decision-making skills are essential for organizations to find optimum employees. These skills enable candidates to manage and solve complex challenges, resolve conflicts, and contribute meaningfully towards achieving organizational goals. Decision-making skills are based on both cognitive and behavioral traits, which makes it important for recruiters to have a well-planned assessment strategy in place. The strategy should consist of a mix of scenario-based questions, behavioral questions, role-playing exercises, case studies, assessment tests, and personality tests.

How Mercer | Mettl can help

Mercer | Mettl offers a range of online assessments and personality tests that integrate into that recruitment process to identify and hire top talent. The decision-making skills assessment by Mercer | Mettl can be customized to suit the hiring requirements of the organization and help recruiters identify candidates with strong decision-making skills. Mercer | Mettl also offers simulators that allow recruiters to assess the analytical abilities and problem-solving skills of candidates. The assessments are conducted using AI-enabled proctoring, maintaining the integrity of the evaluation and ensuring the optimum selection of candidates.



Strong decision-making skills are necessary for every employee, regardless of their job role or position in the organization. It is crucial for individuals to hone their decision-making skills by improving their communication, critical thinking, time management, emotional intelligence, and other related skills.




1. What are decision-making skills in the workplace?

2. What are the five decision-making skills?

3. What are some examples of decision-making in the workplace?

Originally published September 15 2024, Updated September 16 2024

Written by

Vaishali has been working as a content creator at Mercer | Mettl since 2022. Her deep understanding and hands-on experience in curating content for education and B2B companies help her find innovative solutions for key business content requirements. She uses her expertise, creative writing style, and industry knowledge to improve brand communications.

About This Topic

The accelerated pace at which businesses are rushing toward digitization has primarily established that digital skills are an enabler. It has also established the ever-changing nature of digital skills, and created a need for continuous digital upskilling and reskilling to protect the workforce from becoming obsolete.

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