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360 Degree Feedback

Share Feedback Seekers’ reports with Debriefers or Coaches

June 20, 2024 | Learning & Development

Now, share reports with Debriefers who are not even survey participants.

This capability allows you to configure the Debriefers for each Feedback Seekers and post survey completion, reports are automatically emails to the Debriefers. This greatly helps with the report distribution process and maintaining confidentiality at the same time.

To use this setting, first it needs to be enabled from the ‘Settings’ tab and a Seeker-Debriefer mapping template needs to be downloaded:


This template has a list of the Feedback Seekers already added to the survey. The template needs to be filled with the respective Debriefer’s Name and Email ID, uploaded, and saved:


After that, this tab for ‘Debriefer’ appears for ‘Share Report Email’ template. The email body can be configured & email can be scheduled to be sent to the debriefers either after a few days post survey closing (useful when survey end date keeps getting extended) OR on a fixed date & time after the survey closes:


Report can also be shared from the survey running page after selecting the ‘Share Report’ option. This can be done only after survey closes:

Important Info:

  1. For multi-lingual surveys, the shared report’s language selection option also appears.
  2. There is a possibility that the email IDs provided for the debriefers are incorrect and hence some of them might not end up receiving the reports. To tackle this, the account admin will be sent an email once a day informing them about the email delivery status for the emails scheduled to the Debriefers for that day.
  3. In case a Seeker is added, or their email ID is modified for the survey, the Seeker-Debriefer mapping needs to be updated to reflect the latest changes.


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