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Reports Section Re-ordering

Now re-order the various sections of an Individual Reports!

For any survey, the admin can now re-arrange the sections of the report. This provides a greater flexibility to the clients to have certain information in a specific section appear before than the others.

Below is how the setting appears:


Stay tuned for more amazing updates coming your way.

Group Reports Dashboard: Seekers can share their own data

Now, request Feedback Seekers for their additional dimensional data for Group Analytics Dashboard!

Until now, survey admin was required to upload an excel with the additional data for all Feedback Seekers so that their Group Analytics dashboard could be created for any survey. However, as it is a tedious job for survey admins to collect and collate such enormous data, especially when surveys are of large scale.

Below are the details –

By using this setting on the Finalize step of survey creation, survey admins can define the additional data to be requested from the Feedback Seekers:


Here, the dimension names and the respective values are created for the Feedback Seekers to choose from:


After the survey is launched, this setting can be enabled from here on the survey running page:


After the Feedback Seekers click on the below button for ‘Give Feedback’, we request them for the additional data:


This is the pop-up with the field names and dropdown values shown on the basis of the configuration done by the survey admin:


Stay tuned for more amazing updates coming your way.

Fully Customizable Invitation Email

What problems have we solved? 

The older/existing invite email was limited in customizations. Customers weren’t able to change the subject, changes to the email body were restrictive and there were no dynamic variables to create more effective emails. This created multiple pain-points for customers and internal teams for a feature that was heavily used.


How did we solve it? 

Invite emails are now fully customizable, easier to use and also come bundled with preview emails capability, dynamic variables and many useful features. Here’s a quick overview of some exciting new possibilities:

  • Email subject and body are now fully customizable
  • You can use dynamic variables/keys to create more personalized and effective emails. Know more about the keys available.
  • New Preview Email feature to send an email to your or any inbox to see how the actual email will look like.
  • Rich-text editing options to easily create the email as per your requirements.
  • Customizable call-to-action button.
  • You can customize the sender name (not sender email address, it can’t be changed and will be admin.mettl@mercer.com)
  • Intuitive interface for easy crafting of emails.


Key points to note:

  • The new invite emails will be available for everyone.
  • Editing invite email will open the editor in a new tab.
  • This update is applicable only to the invite emails and not applicable to reminder emails. We will plan reminder email improvements in future releases.


Here’s how it looks:

Template customization view:



Preview Email:


Notes in environments for project-based questions

We have introduced an option to add and view notes for environments that are created in project-based questions (I/O).

This will be helpful in storing and accessing important information or metadata related to the environments such as DB credentials, configurations, environment variables, value for properties used in a project, etc.

Notes Action Icon - I/O

Adding and viewing notes

Notes for an environment can be added/viewed by clicking the “Notes” action icon present towards the right of the environment name on the manage and select environment pages.

Users will be able to add, edit and view notes to the environments that they create. For “Mettl Environments”, users will only be able to view the notes.

Know more

To understand more about Mercer | Mettl’s project-based development environment, click here.

Plagiarism enhancements on our backend coding environment

We are extremely excited to inform that we have made major enhancements w.r.t plagiarism score calculations on our general-purpose backend coding environment (CodeLysis).

Below mentioned are the key highlights:

1. Enhanced scalability of plagiarism for large-scale drives

We will now be able to support even larger-scale drives seamlessly.

The recent changes have optimized the plagiarism calculation, thereby reducing the overall TAT drastically.

2. Improved accuracy in calculation of plagiarism scores

We have made multiple advancements and changes to improve the quality of scores calculated in order to provide valid potential matches between test-taker codes. The changes in our improvement have significantly brought-down the number of false positives.

Additionally, we have introduced new tags such as N/A and No Matches to classify test-takers basis their plagiarism scores for faster and easier filtration rather than using the traditional Acceptable and Not-Acceptable.

Find more details here: [Link]

3. Making plagiarism threshold configurable.

By default, our plagiarism threshold is fixed at 60%, but now users can customise this value basis their requirement. As soon as the threshold is configured (before or after the drive), the changes will be reflected in the reports and the test-takers will be tagged into suitable plagiarism tags accordingly.

Configure Plagiarism Threshold

Here’s a step-by-step guide: [Link]

Display Max Marks for a question to the Test-takers

Now maximum marks can be displayed for each question in the test-taker window. We have now provided a test level setting through which, Max marks can be enabled for any test where questions have some Max marks assigned.

Max Marks displayed before test starts:


Max Marks displayed during the test:




Stay tuned for more updates coming your way.

Option to remove certain relationships from Spider Chart

Now remove certain relationships (legends) from the Spider Chart!

For any survey, the Spider Chart created for competency analysis always showed all the relationships that were part of the survey, along with the Self, Other & Benchmark. By using this new setting in Report Setup, certain legends can be removed from the Spider Chart. This was requested to us by Mercer consultants.

Below is a setting to enable this:


Stay tuned for more amazing updates coming your way.

Surveys without Self feedback

Now create 270 degree surveys with no requirement of Self feedbacks!

We have now launched a new functionality using which, the need of Self-feedback can be removed from surveys. For such surveys, survey is launched without the need for Feedback Seekers to provide their own feedbacks. Reports get generated on the basis of feedback shared by all others and the reports also have no mention of feedback from Feedback Seekers themselves.

The setting for this can be enabled on the Finalize step, right before launching a survey. Invitation and reminder emails will also not be sent to Feedback Seekers for self-survey.


Attaching a sample report for reference: Sample report with Self feedback not required.pdf


Stay tuned for more amazing updates coming your way.

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