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New Features for Evaluators and Test-Takers

February 10, 2021

Education world has considerably moved towards the online paradigm in the recent past. To smoothen the transition both for the evaluators and the test takers, Mercer – Mettl has launched many exciting and easy-to-use features.

Features for Evaluators

1-Document Preview in Report 

Taking a step towards improving the grading experience of evaluators, Mercer Mettl’s test reports now have the provision to quickly view the  documents uploaded by test takers.

Instead of first downloading the documents and then viewing them, one may now them within Mettl reports, hence saving time and effort of evaluators.

Displays preview
Display of Preview of files in the Report

The feature allows Evaluators to view multiple file types such as Word, PDF, Excel, Notepad, PowerPoint and many more.

PDF file
 Word File
Image File 
Excel File
PowerPoint File


2-New and Enhanced Evaluation log

Evaluation logs capture the detail of evaluation done by individual evaluators such as evaluator’s name, marks awarded, evaluation comments, etc. With our latest enhancements we have not only updated the view into a table format but have also added the flexibility for a user to accept  marks out of evaluations done by multiple evaluators. 

In case any test report is graded by multiple evaluators, the admin has the flexibility to accept final marks awarded by one of the evaluators and the same will be used in the total score calculation. Marks of different evaluators can be accepted for different questions.

Evaluator log
Accept Feature

3. Question Bookmark in Test Reports

Manually evaluating answer sheets of curriculum exams in universities can be cumbersome because of large volume of test reports. This may eventually lead to errors in the evaluation.

Mercer-Mettl has introduced a new section for “Questions Bookmarks” towards the left in the test reports to address such issues while doing online evaluation of test reports. It can help the evaluators easily evaluate test reports as follows:

  • Questions shown in the Bookmarks section are the ones needing manual evaluation. Hence the evaluator has an all time view of these questions.
  • By clicking on any of the question number in the Bookmarks section, the page will automatically scroll to the respective question. Hence helping the user to easily navigate among questions in a report.
  • The grading status and marks will be displayed as per the evaluations done by the user viewing the report. Consequently, keeping him/her aware of the overall marks awarded at all times.

4. Soft checks for evaluators

  1. Soft check has been introduced with the aim to help evaluators grade all manaully graded questions
  2. If the evaluator navigates away from the screen without grading all manually graded question the below popup is displayed

3. Soft makes sure no question goes ungraded

4. Evaluator can  choose to navigate away without grading all questions by clicking “OK” button on the popup


Features for Test-Takers

1-Scan and upload handwritten answers using QR code

Test-takers now have the ease of uploading handwritten answers on  mettl platform using smart phones, which can be done using google lens or with mettl’s own inhouse app available on google play store.

1- Test-taker’s view : click on upload from the phone (QR) button

2- Test-taker’s view : After scanning the QR code test taker can click the image and upload on mettl plaform 

The answers once uploaded will be available to the evaluators in the test-takers report. The evaluator can view the images uploaded in one click without going through the hassle of downloading images first and grade them in the report itself.

1- Evaluator’s view : click on mobile icon to view image

2- Evaluator’s view : A popup displaying the image where evaluator has the option to zoom in/zoom out,rotate the image and navigate back and forth if test-taker has uploaded multiple images

Please click here to read more about the feature.

Mettl QR Scanner Android Application: In addition to the above feature of “Scan and Upload through QR Code” on Mettl platform, a new mobile application is also launched on Google Play Store to assist the test taker in easily scanning the QR codes through an Android Smartphone. 

2-Equation Editor 

Keeping in line with the vision of Mercer-Mettl to make  online assessments simple for test-takers,  we have introduced the feature of equation editor which allows test taker to easily write chemistry and mathematical symbols during online tests.

​Test-takers can easily choose symbols from the equation editors as shown below:

1- Test-Taker’s View : Symbols for math and chemistry are displayed in the editor as shown below. Students can choose which symbols to use

Math Symbols
Chemistry Symbols

3-Adding file Uploads to Essay Type Answers 

In order to allow test-takers to write text and upload corresponding diagrams, a new feature has been introduced  which allows test-takers to upload up to 3 files in the test taking window


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