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Test Stop on Disconnection duration

June 22, 2023

Disconnection Duration is the maximum duration for which the test-taker can be disconnected from test window.

Why will a test be stopped when exceeding the disconnection time?

Many customers had the concern that the test-takers would disconnect from the test on purpose to use unfair means to take the test. Hence, many clients wanted an adjustable setting wherein they could configure this disconnection time for cheating prevention.

If the test-taker attempted to connect to the test-window after the disconnection duration had passed, the test would be terminated or would not start.

The diagram below depicts a clear understanding of the concept of disconnection duration.


How exactly do we set the disconnection time in assessment?

Please refer to the screenshot below which clearly depicts how you can enable this setting. A maximum disconnection time also needs to be set after enabling this setting for any test. 

Scenarios when this setting is enabled

Points to note:

  1. If the test-taker has started the test and the setting has been changed, running tests will be unaffected by this change in settings.
  2. In case authorization is being used, please set the disconnection duration considering the off set of waiting time for the test-taker to get back to the test accordingly.
  3. Customers can resume the test for these test-takers from the Results page where these candidates would appear in Disconnected/Expired status. However, as the candidate has already consumed the complete duration of disconnection, in the next disconnection their test will be ended.

Below is how the screen would appear after test taker’s disconnection duration has exceeded.


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