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Upload Custom image for Report Cover Page

October 3, 2022 | Learning & Development

Now, upload an image of your choice for it to reflect as report’s cover page image!

You can now choose to have a cover page image of their choice. Images above a suggested dimension can be uploaded for improved customization of 360View reports. This takes us one step closer to further brand the client reports. Reports appear more personalized and identify with the customer’s brand as well.

The setting for this can be accessed at survey level under ‘Report Setup’:


After clicking on the option above, User can select an image of their choice and edit the image with the various options available. Various customization options such as ‘Logo positioning’, ‘Text color’ and ‘Text positioning’ have also been made available now:


Post saving the changes, the image appears as the selected layout for cover page:

This is how the custom image would appear on the report’s cover page, making the customers experience the WOW moment for the reports: