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Oracle 18c End of Support and Upgrade to Oracle 19c

Oracle Corporation has announced the end of support for Oracle Database version 18c ( on June 30, 2021 [1], post which Oracle Support will no longer release Critical Patch Updates for this database version.

For both License-Included (LI) and BYOL (Bring Your Own License) models, Amazon RDS for Oracle will deprecate support for Oracle Database version 18c ( on June 30, 2021 [2].

Mercer | Mettl will be ending support for Oracle 18c for all question types by June 20, 2021.


What this means for you?

In case you have DB query or CodeProject questions in your account using Oracle 18c, we will automatically be upgrading them to Oracle 19c before June 20, 2021.

No action is required at your end.


Please contact us through Mercer | Mettl Support [3] should you have any questions or concerns.

[1] https://support.oracle.com/knowledge/Oracle%20Database%20Products/742060_1.html
[2] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_Oracle.html#Oracle.Concepts.FeatureSupport.18c
[3] https://support.mettl.com

Oracle 11g End of Support and Upgrade to Oracle 18c

Oracle Corporation has announced the end of support for Oracle Database version on December 31, 2020 [1], post which Oracle Support will no longer release Critical Patch Updates for this database version.

For License-Included (LI) model, Amazon RDS for Oracle will end the support for Oracle Database version Standard Edition 1 (SE1) on October 31, 2020 [2].

Mercer | Mettl will be ending support for Oracle 11g for all question types by October 31, 2020.


What this means for you?

If you have already upgraded your DB query questions to a higher version, there will be no changes for you. In case you have DB query or CodeProject questions in your account using Oracle 11g, we will automatically be upgrading them to Oracle 18c before October 31, 2020.

No action is required at your end.


Please contact us through Mercer | Mettl Support [3] should you have any questions or concerns.

[1] https://www.oracle.com/us/assets/lifetime-support-technology-069183.pdf
[2] https://forums.aws.amazon.com/ann.jspa?annID=7341
[3] https://support.mettl.com


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