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How modern technology and tools have changed competitive exams in India

Examination and Proctoring | 4 Min Read

How modern technology and tools have changed competitive exams in India


In the era of digital advancement, competitive exams have undergone a profound transformation through the incorporation of cutting-edge technology. These advancements, like proctoring technology, browser lockdown, and biometric authentication, have optimized the process and elevated the entire examination experience for both administrators and test-takers. Let’s delve into the diverse ways in which technology has revamped the execution of competitive exams, leading to effective and credible assessment procedures.




Competitive exams

Competitive exams are standardized tests used by academic institutions and organizations to evaluate the knowledge, skills, and abilities of students and candidates on various criteria. Whether held offline or online, a competitive exam is one of the eligibility criteria required by universities before admitting students. An online competitive exam can help assess the competencies and skills of students in highly competitive fields.


Understanding the offline competitive exam system

An offline exam is very different from an online exam, as offline exams are conducted in classrooms, where all students sit and give their exams under an invigilator’s supervision. These exams follow the traditional pen and paper-based approach and have been around for ages now. Despite being an extremely old method of assessing students, the offline exam system still has several benefits to offer over the online exam system.


Advantages of offline exams

  • Students are familiar with the format and approach of offline exams.
  • They are more accessible for students who may not have access to digital devices.
  • These exams are written by hand, which is known for improving retention.
  • There is a minimal chance of facing hurdles caused by technical issues.
  • These exams can be tailored according to the specific needs of students.


Common challenges in offline exams

  • Offline exams involve a lot of time and effort, from creating the tests to grading them.
  • Offline exams require a substantial operational and administrative setup.
  • These exams have time-consuming identification methods, where each student’s ID, admission card, hall ticket, etc., need to be checked.
  • Question papers and answer sheets for offline examinations come with high costs and may also involve logistical issues.


Understanding the online competitive exam system

The online exam system involves software solutions that manage and track student assessments through web-based tools and the internet. This system helps make the systematic performance evaluation of students more objective.


The advantages of online competitive exams

  • The online exam system is much more environmentally friendly than offline exams, which require a lot of paper.
  • There are no printing or logistics costs involved in the online exam process.
  • Online exams are easy to implement as academic institutions can simply automate key processes.
  • The online exam system can quickly, effectively, and efficiently provide the results of students’ examinations.
  • The online exam results offer detailed insights, helping understand the efficacy of a specific approach.


Limitations of online competitive exams

  • Tech-based challenges are common in the online exam system; for example, some older individuals may find the transition to online exams difficult.
  • Access to technology and digital devices, along with a strong, stable internet connection, is crucial, which may pose an issue for several students, especially those living in rural areas.




Differences in online exam vs offline exam

  • Method: Offline exams follow traditional methods and approaches, while the online exam system utilizes digital tools and methods.
  • Exam site: Offline exams are always held in physical classrooms, while online exams can be taken anywhere through virtual screens.
  • Costs: Offline exams involve high financial costs and are time-consuming, while online exams are cost-effective and save time.
  • Scheduling: The dates and times for offline exams are set by the academic institution and cannot be changed unless there is an emergency. On the other hand, online exams have flexible schedules.
  • Communication: Offline exams facilitate interpersonal, face-to-face conversations, while there are only digital communications in online exams.
  • Approach: Offline exams follow a synchronous instructional approach. Online exams follow an asynchronous, facilitated approach.
  • Learning: The pace of learning is defined by the teacher in offline exams, while the pace of learning for online exams is determined by the students.


The advantages of harnessing technology for competitive exams

  • Improved safety and security measures to detect unfair practices.
  • Accurate and quick exam results.
  • Enhanced access to resources and study materials.
  • Automated grading process and simpler evaluations
  • Deep insights into the strengths and weaknesses of different students, ensuring a customized learning experience for students.
  • Advanced features, like AI-based remote webcam proctoring solutions, limited time access, and window violation to reduce instances of cheating.


Technological tools for online examinations: Features to look for

  • Planning and scheduling automation
  • Creation of assessment patterns
  • Question repository management
  • Multiple configurations and patterns for questions
  • Streamlined workflows, simpler question generation
  • LMS integration
  • Roles and permission levels configuration
  • Online AI-based proctoring
  • Detailed reporting and analytics


Tips for effectively using technology to streamline online competitive exams

  • Perform a compatibility check to assess if the online exam software solution is compatible with the existing systems.
  • Ensure that student data and information are seamlessly synced on the new system.
  • Integrate one-login access so that students can use the system seamlessly.
  • Assign clear, well-defined roles to all administrators, faculty, and students.
  • Integrate data analytics and reporting features to gain insights.
  • Customize the online exam platform using the institute’s brand colors, communication style, and logo.
  • Ensure comprehensive and thorough testing of the online exam platform and training sessions for all stakeholders.


Top trends that are driving growth in online examinations

  • There is a growing demand for online proctoring solutions that can manage examination administration while maintaining academic integrity.
  • AI-powered proctoring solutions come with features like behavioral and facial analysis that enable suspicious behavior detection in real time.
  • Biometric authentication methods, like facial recognition and fingerprint, enable authenticity in examination.
  • Dual camera proctoring solutions offer a comprehensive view of test environments.
  • Secure browser lockdown features prevent cheating.





Modern technology and tools have significantly transformed competitive exams in India. With the introduction of online exams, AI proctoring, and AI-powered assessment tools, the landscape of competitive exams has evolved. Candidates now have access to personalized preparation resources, real-time feedback and a more efficient exam-taking experience. It is evident that modern technology has not only made the process more convenient but has also increased the accuracy and fairness of evaluations. As technology continues to advance, the future of competitive exams in India promises further innovation and accessibility.



1. How can technology be used to create better assessments and examinations?

2. Why are online exams considered to be better than offline exams?

Originally published July 12 2024, Updated July 12 2024

Written by

Vaishali has been working as a content creator at Mercer | Mettl since 2022. Her deep understanding and hands-on experience in curating content for education and B2B companies help her find innovative solutions for key business content requirements. She uses her expertise, creative writing style, and industry knowledge to improve brand communications.

About This Topic

Online examination, also known as virtual examination, is conducted remotely on a computer with high-speed internet. Like a classroom exam, it is time-bound and usually supervised through a webcam and proctor, making it cheating-free, secure and easily scalable.

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