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Future-proof your career: The ten highest-paid tech jobs in 2024

Recruitment | 6 Min Read

Future-proof your career: The ten highest-paid tech jobs in 2024


In the dynamic business landscape, the tech industry continues evolving at an unprecedented pace, offering myriad opportunities for professionals seeking financial success and intellectual challenge. As cutting-edge innovations, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and quantum computing, reshape the technological ecosystem, the demand for skilled professionals is soaring. Technology is expanding from software development to cybersecurity, creating a wealth of possibilities for those ready to embrace the future.




Top ten best tech jobs in 2024

Tech jobs continue to be in high demand in 2024. Some of the highest-paying tech jobs include:


1. Blockchain engineer

Large corporations and burgeoning startups recognize blockchain‘s revolutionary potential. This institutional interest boosts demand for skilled professionals, with entry-level roles fetching six-figure salaries, particularly in tech hubs. This lucrative field is fast becoming a goldmine for tech talent. Blockchain engineers design, develop, and maintain blockchain solutions. With distributed ledger technology (DLT), they create new business models ensuring data integrity and secure transactions. Blockchain engineers analyze existing blockchain implementations, identify improvement areas, and develop intelligent contracts that improve efficiency. Some core responsibilities include creating blockchain solutions meeting customer requirements and debugging and troubleshooting complex technical issues related to DLT. The primary requirements for the role include in-depth knowledge of DLT, understanding of integrated development environments (IDEs) and databases, and familiarity with programming languages such as Solidity, JavaScript, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), and HTML/CSS.


2. Data scientist

Data scientists are key players in the tech industry, holding positions among the highest-paying coding jobs. They are instrumental in predictive modeling and decision-making processes. They are skilled in various programming languages like Python and R, and their machine expertise makes them invaluable assets. Data scientists develop innovative solutions to business challenges by applying their mathematical and analytical skills to detect patterns in massive data sets. Their work improves the performance of information systems and databases and helps to drive better networking technology, faster computing speeds and improved data security. By harnessing the power of big data, they extract insights and patterns using statistical techniques and machine learning algorithms to resolve complex problems and provide insights that drive strategic business decisions. As organizations rely more on data-driven strategies, the demand for skilled data scientists grows. Data scientists have business and communication skills and a vital statistics, mathematics, and computer science background. They help companies make smarter decisions, find new business opportunities, and create better products.


3. Full-stack developer

Full-stack developer’s expertise spans from database management to front-end development, encompassing various technical skills. They are adept at creating a seamless user experience, ensuring the functionality of web applications from start to finish. Full-stack developers are proficient in web application development frameworks and programming languages and understand relational and NoSQL databases. The demand for these professionals is consistently high, reflecting their importance in the tech ecosystem. Their role is crucial in startups and tech companies where agility and a broad skill set are highly valued. Full-stack developers work with applications’ front end and back end. They bridge the gap between front-end design and back-end systems and produce highly functional websites and applications. Some core responsibilities include developing front-end interfaces, creating databases for data persistence, and managing user authentication and authorization workflows.


4. DevOps engineer

DevOps engineers enhance software processes, integrating development and operations, fostering collaboration and efficiency. They are skilled in automation and continuous integration, contributing to faster deployment cycles and improved product quality. They also play a significant role in incident management and resolution, ensuring the stability of software applications. DevOps engineers bridge the gap between coding and engineering. They improve IT systems with their multifaceted role, maintaining the agility and competitiveness of tech companies. They often bring experience with multiple coding languages, software engineering and security systems to their position. DevOps engineers enable efficient software development and deployment processes by collaborating between development and operations teams. They automate workflows, manage infrastructure, and ensure continuous integration and delivery. As organizations embrace DevOps practices for faster and more reliable software releases, the demand for DevOps engineers is rising.




5. Data security analyst

Data security analysts require excellent communication and problem-solving skills. They need a sound knowledge of trends in security and government regulations. They require an understanding of computer and network security, including firewall administration, encryption technologies, and network protocols. Employers generally seek candidates with a bachelor’s degree in a computer-related field and at least three years of data security experience. They are vital in safeguarding organizations’ data and systems from cyber threats. They assess vulnerabilities, implement security measures, and monitor procedures for potential breaches. With the growing concern for cybersecurity, organizations invest in professionals who can protect sensitive information, leading to a high demand for information security analysts.


6. Cloud solutions architect

In an increasingly cloud-centric business environment, cloud solutions architects also hold a pivotal role and command a high salary due to their specialized expertise in designing and orchestrating cloud-based infrastructure. Cloud solutions architects enable businesses to maximize the vast potential of cloud computing by designing, developing, and deploying cloud computing solutions that meet customer requirements. They collaborate with stakeholders, including developers and system administrators, to ensure successful technology implementations. They create efficient architectures to support business-critical workloads and identify cost savings opportunities. With comprehensive knowledge of cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, these architects are essential for optimizing performance, ensuring scalability, and facilitating cost-effective solutions. The work of a cloud solutions architect extends beyond mere technical proficiency; they serve as thought leaders and communicators who bridge various stakeholders within an organization to enable cohesive, secure, and efficient cloud strategies. The breadth of their role, often requiring more than a decade of experience in high-performance computing and big data platforms, demands a robust skill set that includes technical understanding and strong leadership, communication, and project management skills. These multifaceted responsibilities make cloud solutions architects indispensable to businesses navigating the complexities of modern cloud architectures, justifying their premium compensation.


7. Mobile application developer

Mobile application developers specialize in making applications for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. They are in high demand, securing among the best-paying programming jobs. Their skills in developing user-friendly, innovative apps for platforms like iOS and Android are essential in today’s ever-growing mobile-centric world. They often work in agile environments, rapidly adapting to new technologies and user preferences. Their role is crucial in connecting businesses with consumers through mobile technology. With the increasing usage of mobile apps across various industries, developers strive to develop innovative and user-friendly applications to meet consumer demands.


8. AI and Machine learning engineer

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have become the bedrock of modern technological advancement. Machine learning engineering professionals develop systems that learn and apply knowledge autonomously and innovate in robotics and predictive analytics. Machine learning engineers research, build, and design AI models to improve existing AI systems. Their work in enhancing machine learning algorithms and neural networks transforms how businesses leverage big data. They collaborate with data scientists and analysts, bringing a multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving. This collaboration underscores their value in tech teams, further cementing their role as top earners in the programming world. They train machines to think like humans, utilizing machine learning techniques. With advancements in artificial intelligence and the increasing need for AI applications, machine learning engineers have promising career prospects. AI is the nucleus of innovation in the corporate landscape, powering solutions. This growing demand has inevitably led to an increased number of job opportunities in AI. As AI continues to impact every aspect of our lives, machine learning engineers have an increasingly crucial role in fine-tuning algorithms today that will define the technologies of tomorrow.




9. Web developer

They design and develop websites, working on front-end and back-end technologies to create visually appealing and functional websites. Web developers create engaging web experiences. Senior web developers provide the expertise and creative vision to design, build and optimize web-based applications and sites. They develop specifications for web-based applications, making web properties look consistent and attractive. They integrate front-end and back-end systems. Employers usually prefer to hire professionals with experience in senior web developer roles and an excellent understanding of customer needs and business strategy. Candidates must demonstrate expertise in object-oriented programming and multiplatform, distributed application development. They also need to be adept at working in a team environment and mentoring less-seasoned colleagues. Web developers create websites and web-based applications and work with graphics, content management systems and wireframes. They ensure the result is an attractive, functional website that meets all expectations. The core responsibilities include designing and developing user-friendly websites, troubleshooting issues guaranteeing optimal performance and security, and testing and optimizing sites across multiple browsers and devices. The essential skills include knowledge of HTML/CSS/JavaScript and frameworks like Angular and React, experience with content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress and Drupal, and cross-browser compatibility and web optimization techniques.


10. Cybersecurity engineer

Cybersecurity engineers develop and implement security designs, detect threats in the system before potential damage, assess risks to data, maintain secure operations across an organization, and protect data, networks, and designs from intrusion and malicious attacks. The essential skills for this role include familiarity with encryption techniques such as tokenization and hashing, an in-depth understanding of networking protocols and authentication methods, and adequate experience with cloud computing environments like AWS or Azure. Security engineers audit ongoing processes, ensuring compliance with all laws and regulations. Some core responsibilities include monitoring systems for unusual activity or breaches, designing security measures to protect against cyber-attacks, and developing strategies for identifying system vulnerabilities. Their indispensability in safeguarding an organization’s data and infrastructure is reflected in their elevated compensation, making them a strategically crucial asset in today’s digital landscape.


How Mercer | Mettl can help in hiring the tech experts

Mercer | Mettl offers a range of scientifically backed assessments that help hire skilled professionals for these high-demanding jobs. Technical screening assessments test and evaluate multiple technical candidates’ skills, knowledge, and experiences against specific parameters using knowledge-based questions and application-based techniques. It provides a filtration process between receiving an application and recruiting a candidate during technical hiring.





The opportunity for high-paying and impactful work is abundant in today’s ever-evolving technological landscape. Cybersecurity and cloud engineering fields offer financial incentives and support safeguarding one’s digital future. Roles like web developers, data scientists, and machine learning engineers are at the head of decision-making and innovation across the technology industries. Additionally, emerging technologies like blockchain are carving out new, lucrative pathways for those adept at grasping their complexities.

Technology provides avenues for dynamic and fulfilling careers and shaping the future. The key takeaway is the lucrative salary potential in tech and the critical roles these positions play in building a secure, efficient, and data-driven world.



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Originally published January 25 2024, Updated January 25 2024

Written by

Archita Bharadwaj has worked as a Content writer at Mercer | Mettl since April 2023. With her research background, she writes varied forms of content, including blogs, ebooks, and case studies, among other forms.

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