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Test-taker Experience enhancements launched in April 2022

May 13, 2022

We are excited to share yet another set of exciting new features that we have recently shipped. Here are the details:

Internet Speed Indicator

1-    Internet speed indicator in System Diagnostics:

We will inform the test taker during system compatibility check, if the internet speed is slow. A speed indicator icon will also be displayed in the footer of the window as shown below. This will help the test-takers to take necessary action in case a slow internet connection is detected before the test starts:

2-    Internet speed indicator in Test Window:

We will also inform the test taker if internet speed is slow during the test.

·       A message will be displayed on screen whenever internet speed in unstable.

·       A speed indicator icon in the footer will indicate the speed throughout the Test.



More Intuitive UI for Question filtering

1-    Now test taker can navigate to any question, from the filter itself.

2-    On clicking on question number in the filter, the test-taker window displays the selected question.

3-    The overall UI has also been improved to make the filters more intuitive.

Stay tuned to this space for more updates coming your way.

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