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R163.1 – Question Bookmark section in Test Reports

January 5, 2021

Question Bookmark to aid evaluators in evaluating test reports

Mercer-Mettl has released another feature “Questions Bookmarks” towards the left in the test reports. It will assist the evaluators with grading test reports as follows:

  1. Questions appearing in “Question Bookmark” are the ones requiring manual grading. Hence the evaluator has an all time view of these questions.
  2. By clicking any of the question number in the “Question Bookmark”, the page will automatically scroll to the respective question. Hence helping the user to easily navigate among questions in a report.
  3. The grading status and marks will be displayed as per the evaluations done by the user viewing the report. Consequently, keeping him/her aware of the overall marks awarded at all times.

For more information, please click here.

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