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Automated Forget Inactive Test Taker Process

Auto-forgetting Inactive test taker data from a Mercer Mettl is a powerful feature that allows administrators to automatically delete user data from the platform after a certain period.

Significance of Data Management

As the number of test takers on Mercer Mettl’s platform continues to grow, effective management of their data is becoming increasingly vital. One significant challenge in this process is dealing with inactive test takers, whose data is still being processed even though they are no longer using the platform. This compromises their privacy, making it imperative to address this issue to ensure that test taker data is handled with urgency.

What is Auto-Forget feature?

The Auto-forget feature in Mercer Mettl is designed to periodically remove inactive test takers, their reports, proctoring data, and related data from the platform. By automating the forget process, this feature ensures that test taker data is only stored for a limited period and is automatically removed once they are inactive. Moreover, it helps administrators manage inactive test taker data more efficiently.

What is the inactivity criteria?

The inactivity of a test taker in Mercer Mettl is defined by the passing of specific criteria for a period of time. The definition of inactivity serves as the criteria for the Auto-forget feature to determine which test takers and their data will be removed from the platform. Implementing this feature ensures that test taker data is not stored for longer than necessary, which is crucial to maintaining the privacy and security of user data.

  1. No attempts on any tests.
  2. Not resuming an unfinished test.
  3. Not having a test report regraded.

How does the automation work?

Using a script, the platform identifies inactive users and flag their data for auto-forget. After a cooling-off period, the system removes the data of inactive test takers from the platform for future processing. Once the cooling-off period has passed, administrators receive an email with a list of eligible users for data deletion. This list helps administrators stay on top of data management while empowering them with complete transparency.

How will the risks be managed?

The Auto-forget feature has the potential to greatly impact the user experience of test takers, which is why it is essential to ensure that all stakeholders understand the implications of the feature. The system will send regular emails to various stakeholders, including Account Executive from Mercer Mettl and Account Owner + Team Admin from the client, to promote transparency and build trust. This ensures that everyone involved in data management is aware of the implications of the new feature, promoting the security and privacy of user data while ensuring the smooth operation of the testing platform.

Multi-consent checkboxes in Test-Taker experience

Now you can have multiple consent checkboxes to take consent from the test-takers. We have now provided a flexibility to enable a maximum of 5 consent checkboxes. Each checkbox can have its own content around Privacy policy, Terms & Conditions, Data Protection etc.

For example, if the below 2 checkboxes are required to be shown for any client’s test takers, then we can show the checkboxes with the appropriate hyperlinks etc. Please note that this setting is enabled by switching off the default consent checkbox shown by Mercer Mettl, hence it requires specific permissions to enable this feature to make sure that all the appropriate Privacy policy, Terms & Conditions, Data Protection etc. have been covered.


Stay tuned for more amazing updates coming your way.

Attempt any N question

Now we have “Attempt any N question” feature at section level, wherein the test-taker has a flexibility to answer only N number of questions from a larger set of questions in a section. This brings us one step closer to replicate the offline world scenario of attempting only a certain number of questions from a pool of questions.

This setting can be enabled at section level:



In the test-taker window, we will show the below info to the test-taker before the test starts:

In the test window, we show this information in section instructions:

In test window, if test-taker tries to attempt more than N number of questions:

We show this info on the question attempt summary screen shown just before finishing a test:

Reporting changes:  

 In Reports, the setting done for N Questions to be attempted i.e. the change in overall marks due to optional questions would be displayed at:

  1.  Overall Summary level
  2.  Section header in Section-wise details
  3.  Section header in Question-wise details

Rest of the information (ex-difficulty index, bookmark, sectional graphs/tables) would be the same i.e the question to be attempted setting will not be applicable for the Total Marks and the Questions Count.

Attempt any N Question info  at  Overall Summary level


Attempt any N Question info  at header in Question wise details and Section wise details:


Stay tuned for more amazing updates coming your way.

Fully Customizable Invitation Email

What problems have we solved? 

The older/existing invite email was limited in customizations. Customers weren’t able to change the subject, changes to the email body were restrictive and there were no dynamic variables to create more effective emails. This created multiple pain-points for customers and internal teams for a feature that was heavily used.


How did we solve it? 

Invite emails are now fully customizable, easier to use and also come bundled with preview emails capability, dynamic variables and many useful features. Here’s a quick overview of some exciting new possibilities:

  • Email subject and body are now fully customizable
  • You can use dynamic variables/keys to create more personalized and effective emails. Know more about the keys available.
  • New Preview Email feature to send an email to your or any inbox to see how the actual email will look like.
  • Rich-text editing options to easily create the email as per your requirements.
  • Customizable call-to-action button.
  • You can customize the sender name (not sender email address, it can’t be changed and will be admin.mettl@mercer.com)
  • Intuitive interface for easy crafting of emails.


Key points to note:

  • The new invite emails will be available for everyone.
  • Editing invite email will open the editor in a new tab.
  • This update is applicable only to the invite emails and not applicable to reminder emails. We will plan reminder email improvements in future releases.


Here’s how it looks:

Template customization view:



Preview Email:


Display Max Marks for a question to the Test-takers

Now maximum marks can be displayed for each question in the test-taker window. We have now provided a test level setting through which, Max marks can be enabled for any test where questions have some Max marks assigned.

Max Marks displayed before test starts:


Max Marks displayed during the test:




Stay tuned for more updates coming your way.

The New Test-taker Experience now available in 12 Language!

We are excited to share that the New Test-taker Experience is now supported on Top 12 languages used on the platform (apart from English):

These languages are:

  1. Arabic
  2. Bahasa
  3. European Portuguese
  4. European Spanish
  5. French
  6. German
  7. Hungarian
  8. Italian
  9. Mandarin
  10. Portuguese
  11. Spanish
  12. Turkish

All assessments created in any of these these languages will now be available on the Test Taker Interface.

For the remaining languages, we will keep you all posted once it is made Live.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Grammar and spell check plugin detection

Grammar and spell check plugin intervenes with test takers’ data. Since we highly discourage use of such plugins in a test, we have introduced detection feature for these plugins. We detect it when Long Answer questions are used in a test.

Plugin detection in system compatibility: 

In system compatibility user gets notified, if Grammar and spell check plugins are installed in the browser.


Plugin detection during test:

During the test  we detect the Grammar and spell check plugin is installed and enabled  in the browser, if user disabled or remove the plugin, warning should not be visible on the screen.



Stay tuned for more amazing updates coming your way!

Mandatory Consent in cases of API and PI Test

We have added consent message now in case of privately invited tests and API tests for our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. This has been implemented as a mandatory requirement from legal and compliance perspective for all test takers.


Stay tuned for more amazing updates coming your way!

Section time over Notification

We value our test-takers’ feedback and keep on enhancing the experience taking their feedback into consideration. The test time over notification was too last minute for test takers to finish their test. With section time over notification, test-takers get a notification as soon as a timed section is about to get over.

Section Time Over Notifications are shown just 5 mins and 1 min before the section’s time gets over.

Section Time Over Notification when 5 mins left in a section:

Section Time Over Notification when 1 min left in a section


Stay tuned for more amazing updates coming your way!

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