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Download of test-taker data at account level

Download of test-taker data at account level

Single click download of test-taker data across tests!

Steps to download test-taker data at account level:
1.   Click on “Test-Taker data” from “Account Settings”:

2. You can select the date range(including today) and the proctoring/registration data required as shown below :

  • Download proctoring data –  Excel will display additional columns with proctoring information
  • Download registration data- Excel will display other registration data like last name etc.

3. Click on “Generate Report” button to download the data:

Please Note: 1. You can download for 3months at a time

2.  A maximum of 80K can be fetched in a given date range



Bulk download of files uploaded by test-takers

Bulk download of files uploaded by Test-taker

Users can download the files uploaded by test-takers along with their PDF reports in one go!

1.  Click on “Pdf with Attachment” from “Download” button on results page

2. The data will be shared via Email. You can add multiple emails in the popup as shown above.


3. Download the files from email.


4. Unzip the files and view folders for each test-taker with their reports and uploaded files

Test-taker Experience enhancements launched in April 2022

We are excited to share yet another set of exciting new features that we have recently shipped. Here are the details:

Internet Speed Indicator

1-    Internet speed indicator in System Diagnostics:

We will inform the test taker during system compatibility check, if the internet speed is slow. A speed indicator icon will also be displayed in the footer of the window as shown below. This will help the test-takers to take necessary action in case a slow internet connection is detected before the test starts:

2-    Internet speed indicator in Test Window:

We will also inform the test taker if internet speed is slow during the test.

·       A message will be displayed on screen whenever internet speed in unstable.

·       A speed indicator icon in the footer will indicate the speed throughout the Test.



More Intuitive UI for Question filtering

1-    Now test taker can navigate to any question, from the filter itself.

2-    On clicking on question number in the filter, the test-taker window displays the selected question.

3-    The overall UI has also been improved to make the filters more intuitive.

Stay tuned to this space for more updates coming your way.

Test-taker Experience enhancements launched in Feb 2022

We are excited to share some key updates that we have recently shipped. Here are the details:

1. File Upload Confirmation for files uploaded by students:-

Now, get File Upload Confirmation messages for any file uploaded either for Timed sections or for Un-timed sections. Even when User moves to another section or their test time gets over, they will get this confirmation to assure them that their File was successfully uploaded for the test. This is available on the New Test-taking experience.

Below are a few screenshots:

As soon as a file is uploaded, the file uploading timestamp is shown so that User understands when the most recent upload took place.


In case a file upload is in progress and section time gets over, we show the below message:


If User moves to the next section or their test time gets over, we do not let the test get over before giving them a confirmation of their successful file upload.


2. Section Instructions to now support Rich Text:-

Customizing Section Instructions just got simpler!

We have now introduced the capability to format the section instructions to make them more readable and impactful. Apart from the regular formatting options for Font Size & Font Style, customers can now insert hyperlinks in the section instructions to share additional details with the candidates. This is available on the New Test-taking experience at the section level settings.


Now create questions with complex symbols!

Creating/Editing complex questions’ text just got simpler!

We have now introduced the capability to insert complex symbols while creating a question. This was earlier served by uploading the images of these complex mathematical or scientific equations. Now, these symbols can be typed into the editor by just using the easy options provided in the editor itself.

Below is how it will appear for Mathematical Equations



















Below is how it will appear for Scientific Equations

Introducing Uni-directional Sections to prevent cheating

Another powerful feature to further strengthen Cheating Prevention!

You can now define sections in such a way that a student can see a question just once for a specific section. After they enter a Unidirectional Section, they need to respond to the questions sequentially and keep moving to the next question only. This prevents students from changing the answer to a question that they had earlier attempted/seen.

Setting for Unidirectional Section can be enabled at section level:


Section Instructions to always show this information:


Test Window: The below highlighted sections are disabled for a Unidirectional section to constantly remind candidates/students that they would not be able to return back to this question if they move ahead from this.


Please note: the uni-directional sections are only available on the new test-taker experience.

R190.3 Speech X Reports in new UI

Speech X Reports in new UI

SpeechX is a video-proctored assessment that analyzes a candidate’s proficiency across two key dimensions – the ability to listen and to articulate clearly. These reports are now available in new UI:

1.      We have enhanced the UI/UX of the Speech X report by porting it in the latest design theme.

2.      Along with this we have also improved the PDF reports for new UI by introducing admin level flexibility of adding page break for certain components, thus making the report more readable

3.      Client branding – clients can add their own cover images which resonate with their brand

Read More About Speech X….

SpeechX: An AI-powered English Proficiency Test Software Tool

R190.2 Increased footprint in international market and Update in PDF reports

1. Increased footprint in the international market  

               As many of our clients are based out of multiple locations, we have large user base who use their native languages to review the reports. With our latest updates HR (Human Resources) managers can review the reports in their preferred language irrespective of the language the test-taker used to take the test in. 

2.Enhancing look and feel of PDF reports 

  1. Feature to customize cover image of the PDF reports

           2. Many of our clients use our PDF reports, with our newly introduced feature we can now aid the users on how much information should be displayed on a single page, thus creating easy to read reports  that can be shared across various stakeholders 

Stay up to date with the latest features and skills on Mercer I Mettl

Stay up to date with the latest features and skills on Mercer I Mettl