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Workplace automation to improve hiring efficiency

Recruitment | 6 Min Read

Workplace automation to improve hiring efficiency


The great growling engine of change – technology.

Alvin Toffler
An American writer, futurist, and businessman

Automation in this digital era defines how businesses operate, grow, and generate revenue. It improves productivity, ensures accuracy in processes, reduces human error, and encourages professionals to focus on strategies rather than repetitive tasks.

For this reason, hiring automation is necessary for hiring in 2023. According to the Recruiting Automation Trends Report by Hubspot, 75% of hiring managers agree that technology simplified their tasks and helped them hire quality talent.

Understand how hiring automation tools help expedite hiring, reduce the cost of bad hires, and improve process efficiency.


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Why is technology-based automation necessary in hiring?

You’re either the one that creates the automation or you’re getting automated.

Tom Preston-Werner
An American software developer and entrepreneur

Workplace automation means automating processes requiring small or zero human intervention for repetitive tasks. Many pre-programmed software applications and machines help automate workplace and hiring processes. For instance, applicant tracking software (ATS) can track recruitment activities through a single pane and generate reports within seconds.

Leveraging workplace automation technology provides the following benefits:


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Reduction in errors


Humans are prone to making mistakes out of fatigue, lack of concentration, leniency, and other factors.

Based on data published by Smartsheet, 66% of respondents cited that automation is key to reducing workplace errors.

Workplace automation use software and pre-programmed machines for repetitive and error-prone activities. Since machines are immune to real-life disruptions, automation helps reduce errors in hiring.

For example, a hiring software or ATS tool sorting through candidates’ applications can accurately check all the required skills on the resume in minutes. Any HR professional achieving the same task can get exhausted and make errors while scanning multiple applications.


Elimination of mundane and repetitive tasks


Automation in hiring eliminates mundane and repetitive tasks, leaving time for strategic roles.

According to the article by Wall Street Journal, Amazon deployed automated robots in its warehouse to transfer shelving units, saving 20 miles of walking every day for human labor. It is now possible to scan and shelve 300 units per day compared to 100 units per day before the deployment of robots.

Similarly, workplace automation eliminates repetitive and mundane tasks in hiring. For example, tracking and sorting relevant applications, sending out initial assessment links, and manually evaluating the cut-off of assessment marks. Automation via intelligent machines and software can help eliminate these activities, saving significant time and effort.


Reduction in time to hire


Using workplace automation for hiring helps eliminate time-consuming processes, like reviewing resumes and initial candidate screening. Usually, the first few stages of recruitment consume multiple weeks because the HR team needs to sort through applications and reach out to candidates manually. However, with hiring automation, the entire process is reduced to days.

According to SHRM Customized Talent Acquisition Benchmarking Report, the average time needed to hire a candidate is 36 days.

Hiring automation helps expedite hiring stages like job posting approval, screening, initial assessment, acceptance offer dispatch, etc. This reduces the time to hire, which also decreases the costs of hiring.


Improved quality of hires


Businesses need to attract diverse people from various fields to improve workplace efficiency. However, with manual application screening, some unknown bias is always present. It is likely for an HR to reject a resume solely based on the college they attended. An automated system for hiring may not make this mistake and judge candidates based solely on merits, experiences, and specific job requirements.

Automated assessments or interviews provide a method to gauge on-the-job skills without bias. For example, Mercer | Mettl’s technical tests offer assessments for several job roles in different industries. Companies can evaluate candidates’ technical and job-focused skills using caselets, MCQs, coding simulators, etc.

Hiring automation provides high-quality hires because the process focuses on assessing candidates’ skills and competencies. Repetitive tasks and time-consuming activities are automated, which allows HR managers to focus on personal interviews and strategic evaluations.

Using automation through assessments and other tools throughout the hiring process also helps reduce bad hires. Candidates are carefully screened by ATS or another tool in the first stage, and then assessments help gauge candidates’ interpersonal, leadership, technical, and coding skills.


High retention rates


With the quality of hire, retention rates also improve. Since candidates hired for different job roles fit business requirements, they are experienced in handling different workplace situations. As a result, better efficiency, which, when paired with an appropriate recognition and reward system, improves overall retention within the company.


Workplace automation in critical hiring processes

Workplace automation can be utilized in the following processes during campus or role hiring:

Applicant tracking

The first stage involves tracking applications and sorting candidates who fit the job requirements. This task is time-consuming and takes up the HR team’s bandwidth.

Using the right applicant tracking system (ATS) in this stage helps improve the screening process.

It reduces the time needed to sort different applications and select the right matches for specific job requirements. The same task the hiring team may achieve in days takes the ATS minutes to complete with digital resumes.

Further, the automation tool can cross-check job roles and skills requirements without bias. It carefully and accurately assesses candidates’ job experiences, employment tenure, education, and other skills.

Some intelligent ATS systems also learn from previous candidates’ experience through a survey and then make relevant application tracking and screening changes.


While the ATS automates the selection of candidates based on job requirements, the hiring team still needs to scan through these selected resumes. This is a time-consuming task that can be automated using pre-qualification assessments.

Pre-qualification assessments help gauge the basic skills of candidates. Based on the results of these assessments, hiring managers can move candidates to the interview phase.

For example, Mercer | Mettl offers multiple pre-employment assessments to help you assess candidates’ cognitive ability, behavior, communication, technical skills and personality traits. Aptitude tests evaluate spatial, abstract, visual, critical, and logical reasoning. Using this assessment, HR managers can find the correct fitment for the job role. Similarly, behavioral tests evaluate how candidates perform in real-world business-related situations.


Lastly, the interview stage involves gauging candidates based on their presence of mind, intelligence, and critical thinking. During this hiring phase, automation is used to digitally record or conduct interviews to carefully consider candidates’ facial expressions, speech patterns, and gestures for specific roles.

Using these automation tools throughout hiring helps improve hiring outcomes and reduce turnover.


Top four benefits of workplace automation

Improved efficiency


According to VMware, employees with app and technology accessibility are 16% more likely to collaborate and make 16% faster decisions than those without technology accessibility.

McKinsey further explains that automation can boost productivity by 0.8% to 1.4% annually across the globe.

Companies should incorporate technologies, such as AI, machine learning (ML), ATS, online assessments, etc., to transform and accelerate existing hiring processes.


Improved communication and collaboration


The adoption of remote work culture has increased the need to maintain seamless communication and collaboration among colleagues and customers. Even during hiring, HR managers must regularly communicate with applicants through instant messaging apps, video conferences, and desktop and mobile applications.

Businesses using workplace automation have technologies such as auto-reply, chatbots, and virtual assistants to respond quickly to applicants. This maintains communication with candidates and helps them receive consistent responses from the business. As a result, candidates are more likely to wait for your offer than look for other options.


Better competitive edge


According to Gartner, organizations are expected to reduce operational costs by 30% through a combination of hyper-automation technologies and redesigned operational processes by 2024.

Saving on operational costs, including hiring processes, can improve expansion strategies and enhance employees’ experiences in the future.


Improved flexibility


Using workplace automation, hiring managers can improve their remote hiring processes, which offers flexibility to candidates.

For example, earlier aptitude assessments were conducted in person. However, today, Mercer | Mettl offers online aptitude tests to hire the right candidates for different job roles.


Business functions influenced by workplace automation

The availability of many technological tools and applications can influence various workplace functions. Let us have a look at how technology can impact some of the functions.


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Workplace automation and technology can help find the right candidate and quickly roll out an offer letter during recruitment. HR managers can utilize technology at several phases of hiring, such as social media and job-searching websites to find candidates, automated application forms on websites for candidates to upload their profiles, online assessments, and video interviews. Mercer | Mettl provides a comprehensive suite of online tests to help recruiters speed up the recruitment process.


After the selected candidate accepts the offer, some of the processes related to onboarding can be accelerated with technology. For instance, uploading necessary documents on online portals can eliminate the need to store and safeguard physical documents. In addition, conducting online sessions to get employees acquainted with policies and compliance regulations can save time for the management and HR professionals.

Performance management

Tools used for tracking performance, rating based on different parameters, and collecting feedback from coworkers and customers help organizations manage performance reviews seamlessly. Organizations can also leverage the advanced and meticulously-developed 360-Degree Feedback Tool by Mercer | Mettl to thoroughly review employees’ performance and carry out appraisals.

Training and skillset improvement

Employees need to upgrade skills regularly to help organizations stay competitive in the marketplace, and employers should determine skills gaps to offer the necessary training to employees.

Mercer | Mettl provides a Skills-Gap Analysis Assessment to determine the existing skills gap and take the necessary steps to fill this gap.

Project management

Many easy-to-use and clutter-free online project management platforms help organizations plan, execute, budget, and report different aspects of projects.

Platforms such as JIRA, Asana, ZOHO, and others are massively utilized for efficient project management.


How can Mercer | Mettl help in leveraging technology in the workplace?

Mercer | Mettl provides an extensive suite of online assessment tests and organizational development tools for businesses. With a comprehensive test library, organizations can find necessary tools for skills-gap analysis, training effectiveness evaluation, high-potential identification, and succession planning. We offer a wide range of online services and solution portfolios to improve organizations’ efficiency and effectiveness.




Technology-based automation in the workplace is crucial in improving efficiency, ensuring security, and raising competitiveness in the marketplace. Even top talents are attracted to organizations with technologically advanced infrastructure. Therefore, organizations that utilize various tools, software, and applications to stay updated with current hiring practices thrive in this competitive landscape.



What are the three positive impacts of technology?

Why is technology important in the workplace?

Originally published December 22 2022, Updated January 17 2023

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About This Topic

The primary objectives of recruitment and selection are to ensure high-quality candidates who are culturally fit and work toward shared organizational goals and vision.

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