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A comprehensive guide to mastering learning and development strategies in the workplace

Learning and Development | 10 Min Read

A comprehensive guide to mastering learning and development strategies in the workplace


Learning and development (L&D) initiatives refer to a systematic process, which aims to enhance the capabilities of an organization by improving the skills, knowledge, and competencies of employees. Learning and development programs are core HR functions and are categorized as part of the overall talent management strategy. L&D strategies are key to attracting and retaining top talent, as well as improving employee engagement and satisfaction. These strategies drive organizational success, improve work culture, increase retention rates, and bridge skills gaps within the existing workforce.



Learning and development programs cover two distinct areas. Learning involves acquiring skills, behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge that can help improve job performance.

Development aims to enhance job role-related skills and abilities, deepen and broaden knowledge in alignment with long-term professional goals, and maximize potential for seizing new opportunities in the future.


How does learning and development work?

Conducting skills Gap Analysis:

Learning and development initiatives must have a clear aim and direction. That is why it is important to first perform an analysis of the market to understand the latest trends and demands and then analyze the organization’s existing workforce to identify any skills shortages, areas of improvement, possible opportunities, etc.



Having understood the needs of the organization and employees, it is imperative to select a mix of different L&D components and methods for different employees, so an engaging development plan can be created for them.



It involves establishing partnerships with relevant L&D providers, both external as well as internal, to set the learning and development initiative in motion.



This step involves the actual execution of the L&D strategy, delivering tailored training and learning opportunities to the employees.


Measuring Effectiveness:

Tracking relevant learning and development metrics and analyzing them can help understand how successful the initiative was. These insights help build better learning and development strategies in the future.


Objectives of learning and development in the workplace

Enhanced business performance 

The most important objective behind implementing learning and development in the workplace is enhanced business performance. Learning and development initiatives involve organizations providing relevant training to employees, so they can get better at their job roles. Whether it is delivering more results, working faster, or closing more sales, learning and development initiatives have a significant impact over the organization’s performance.


Improved employee satisfaction

Satisfied employees are the pillars of organizational success. Low levels of employee satisfaction can increase turnover rates. A well-established learning and development program within an organization significantly impacts how appealing the organization appears to top talent.


Improved brand identity 

Learning and development strategies have a direct and significant impact on the employer brand. If the organization appears to be a ‘learning-focused’ organization, candidates will be interested in joining, as they will have the assurance that they will be able to keep growing in their field after joining. Strong learning and development programs affect the organization’s employer brand positively, reducing the time to hire and improving the quality of new hires.




Benefits of learning and development for organizations

1. Offer learning opportunities for employees 

Learning and development opportunities are necessary as more candidates consider them when applying for jobs. Organizations that want to attract top talent need to be able to showcase their commitment towards employee development.

In a survey conducted by TalentLMS and the Society for Human Resources, 76% of employees stated that they were more likely to stay with an organization if they were provided continuous training opportunities. Candidates are on the lookout for organizations where they are offered career-enhancing learning and development opportunities.


2. Enhance employee engagement and experience

Learning and development programs ensure that employees gain confidence in their performance and feel inspired to take more initiative towards pursuing their career aspirations. This helps boost morale, employee engagement, and job satisfaction.


3. Promote diversity, equity, inclusivity, and belonging (DEIB) 

One of the primary concerns for organizations that want to instill a culture that attracts top talent and improves productivity is establishing an inclusive and equitable workplace. It is important to have employees from diverse backgrounds to promote a sense of belonging.


4. Bridge skills gaps 

Keeping up with the latest technological advancements and regular shifts in the business landscape can get challenging, which is why organizations need to ensure that their employees are equipped to face these emerging challenges. Reskilling and upskilling the employees for specialized roles and offering them opportunities to develop their soft skills prepare them to adapt to changing situations, foster innovation, and be ready to meet the organization’s future needs.


5. Build a strong employer reputation 

Almost everyone is looking for jobs with organizations that offer multiple learning and development opportunities for employee growth. Learning and development strategies have become a necessity for improving the employer brand. Organizations with robust learning and development initiatives in place have a strong advantage over others when it comes to attracting and hiring top talent.


6. Foster a positive company culture 

Learning and development programs contribute to building a positive workplace environment and fostering team bonding. These initiatives enable group activities and learning events, like social clubs, helping teams form strong bonds.


7. Improve customer service and customer satisfaction 

Customers look at the employees of an organization as experts in the field, and they expect them to be able to deliver complex information simply. Learning and development programs empower every employee to handle customer interactions with ease, ensuring that they are always up to date with all product and service information.


Learning and development methods

Learning and development cannot follow a one-size-fits-all approach. Different people have different learning styles and different organizations have different learning and development objectives. Employee development programs must be tailored to the needs of each employee and can comprise various learning and development methods and activities.




Popular learning and development methods

  • Formal learning: This method is a goal-oriented, group-based situation and generally involves a classroom setting. It has limited linear interactions and is instructor-led.
  • Informal learning: This is an unstructured, organic, and self-directed method, in which employees train on the job, through individual study, feedback, tasks, and co-worker interactions.
  • Experiential learning: This method follows a trial-and-error approach where people try doing something, assess their results, and gain a better understanding from their experience.
  • Coaching: This method involves workplace relationships that focus on empowering employees to achieve their goals. Coaches meet them regularly for open conversations, providing them with direction, feedback, and support.
  • Mentoring: Mentoring refers to a collaborative relationship that pairs employees with seniors or experts in their field, someone from whom they can learn and grow professionally. Mentors are almost like role models, listening to their mentees, answering questions, clarifying their doubts, and offering guidance.
  • Skill building: This method is about helping employees acquire new skills and competencies. The main objective behind this learning and development method is to fill any skills gaps within the organization to stay relevant and achieve business goals.
  • Targeted training: This learning and development method is also designed with the aim of bridging any existing skills gaps within the organization. The method uses both formal and informal learning approaches to meet the learning needs of specific employees. By identifying the exact skills that are required, organizations can distribute resources more efficiently.
  • Cross-training: This learning and development method involves teaching employees how they are supposed to handle the role of another employee, who is generally from a different department. Cross-training allows employees to acquire new skills and helps them understand the organization’s operations better. These employees are also able to cover for absent employees and can pitch in to help in situations where a team is overwhelmed with tasks.


Popular learning and development activities

  • Workshops: Workshops are interactive experiences, and they are great for fostering teamwork within the organization. These are easy to organize and cost-effective, but workshops are not the best choice for individual learning.
  • Lectures and seminars: Attending lectures or seminars is an activity that is best suited for the formal learning approach. These are to-the-point and short, delivering necessary information in a designated timeframe.
  • Video training: Video training courses seem like an easy option for several organizations, as they allow employees to see the videos on their own time and complete the course at their own pace.
  • Webinars: Webinars are feasible for remote employees. The interactive component in the webinar, like Q&A or quizzes, helps employees clear their doubts and ask questions.
  • Peer learning: This learning and development activity is an example of intuitive knowledge exchanges. It can include social learning formats, training with peers, coaching, job shadowing, and microlearning.




Examples of learning and development programs

Orientation and onboarding:

Job orientation and onboarding journeys are important for helping new hires settle into their job role and the organization.


Soft skills development:

Soft skills refer to certain personality traits, interpersonal skills, and behaviors, which people use to interact with others at the workplace. Soft skills may not be as tangible as hard skills, but they are just as important.


Technical skills development:

There are several roles in organizations that require technical skills. These are skills that can be improved through education and training.


Product services training:

Customer-facing job roles require employees to have full knowledge of the organization’s product or service offerings. As the products or services can be updated at any time and new lines being rolled out, regular learning and development programs help ensure that employees are up to date with the offerings, USPs, and benefits of products and services.


Safety training:

Health and safety training sessions should be held regularly. They are essential for ensuring employee safety and health at work.


How to create a learning and development strategy

Align L&D strategy with the organizational strategy

Before designing the learning and development strategy, assess the business strategy and answer questions like what skills the existing workforce has, which skills are vital for the organization, what the organization has to offer, what are the needs of customers, how these needs evolve with time, and which situations can impact the organization.


Collaborate with the leadership

Stakeholders should be involved directly in establishing the learning and development strategy, so it can be ensured that the strategy meets the needs of every department. Conduct surveys about the learning requirements across the organization to gain a better understanding of L&D needs. Offer department heads and senior management collaborative input opportunities to enable them to contribute to and endorse the learning and development programs.


Identify skills gaps

Determine competencies that are essential for each role. Once that has been done, a skills gap analysis must be performed to identify if there are any potential skill shortages or overlooked employee development opportunities.


Plan learning journeys

Planning learning journeys is key to enabling continuous learning for the employees. These plans can help individuals acquire the skills and knowledge that are necessary for their job functions.


Plan the implementation

Learning and development initiatives are implemented across several stages. These may involve articulating the purpose behind the initiative, performing a SWOT analysis to identify the best program, planning the budget that includes the costs for running the program, acquiring detailed information about the ROI of the program, and conducting pilot class trial runs to see if there are any mistakes or issues.


Track performance

Tracking learning and development metrics, like employee productivity, can help justify the initiative by showing the engagement the initiative generated.

Further, assess the impact of the training programs, collect feedback from the learners and identify if there are any areas that may do well with some changes.




Challenges in learning and development

  • Diverse needs of a diverse workforce: Learning and development initiatives must be adapted for effectiveness, regardless of who the audience is. For instance, if there is a multigenerational team with young, tech-savvy but inexperienced employees as well as older workers with a lot of experience, the learning and development courses should be tailored in a way that they can help both types of employees develop skills that they lack.
  • Soft skills: It is easier to teach specific hard skills required for a specific job role, compared to helping employees develop the soft skills necessary for collaboration and enhancing the workplace environment.
  • Measuring performance: Learners being engaged in the program may indicate that the initiative is effective, but it is still important to be able to measure the overall effectiveness of the courses. Meaningful and measurable learning and development metric must be set to track knowledge transfer and application in the workplace.
  • ROI: Despite the many benefits they have to offer, learning and development programs should be able to prove that the results produced are more significant as compared to the money spent on the program.


Mistakes to avoid with learning and development programs

Forgetting about employee satisfaction

Apart from measuring the business results of the learning and development initiatives, it is important to find out if the employees are also benefiting from the plan. As these initiatives are planned for the employees, it is crucial to measure employee satisfaction as well.


Not assessing skills application

For many employees, it is not always possible to immediately apply the knowledge they gain from corporate training, which is why it becomes important for organizations to carefully choose the right learning and development program that will bring practical benefits to the organization.


Not setting any metrics

It is crucial to set some measurable learning and development metrics for tracking the performance and impact of the initiative.


How to measure the success of learning and development efforts

There are several tools that can be used to measure the success of the program, like employee satisfaction surveys, anonymous surveys, group conversations, one-on-one conversations, pre and post assessments.


Learning and development KPIs

Learning and development metrics are used to evaluate the program’s effectiveness, which helps identify programs that meet objectives. Some metrics to consider include training ROI, cost per employee, assessment scores, and pass rates.

To evaluate the impact of the learning and development program on business performance, strategic metrics must be used. L&D key performance indicators (KPIs) can help quantify if the company is experiencing increased productivity.

  • Employee productivity rate: This refers to the value generated by employees within a specific period, which is the total output divided by the total input.
  • Revenue growth: This refers to the increase in revenue across a set timeframe, which is dividing the difference between the current revenue and the revenue from the previous period by the previous revenue.
  • Net profit margin: This is the percentage of the revenue that is profit for the organization. Subtract the taxes, expenses, and interest from the operating income, divide by the revenue, and multiply by 100.



Learning and development trends


Microlearning refers to a set of ‘bite-sized’ information. Each set takes less than 20 minutes and only covers a single topic. Microlearning is generally delivered through videos, games, infographics, and apps and includes interactive sections as well.


Personalization and AI

One size does not fit all in learning and development. One of the biggest trends right now is personalization that takes the interests, requirements, skills, and learning style of the learner into account and delivers an experience that increases engagement.

Artificial intelligence is another tool that can personalize learning and development initiatives in multiple ways. For instance, AI algorithms can be used to analyze the learning history, preferences, and performance to generate tailored learning paths.

The availability of generative AI brings several benefits to the workplace. These technologies can easily improve productivity and transform the way work is done.


Continuous learning

Talent wants learning and growth opportunities, and they consciously look for organizations with a culture that fosters this. It is imperative to leverage this expectation and build a culture of continuous learning.


How Mercer | Mettl can help

Mercer | Mettl offers a range of advanced learning and development tools to reinvent development strategies. The solutions cover high potential identification, succession planning, leadership development, skills gap analysis, training effectiveness, employee engagement, digital readiness tools, learning agility tools, and much more. These tools can help organizations enhance their talent pool by automating organizational learning and development initiatives.



1. Why is learning and development important for employees?

2. What are the activities of L&D?

3. What is the role of L&D?

Originally published July 22 2020, Updated June 18 2024

Written by

Vaishali has been working as a content creator at Mercer | Mettl since 2022. Her deep understanding and hands-on experience in curating content for education and B2B companies help her find innovative solutions for key business content requirements. She uses her expertise, creative writing style, and industry knowledge to improve brand communications.

Learning and Development

Pioneer the New Revolution of L&D with Mercer | Mettl

Learning and development initiatives, also known as organizational development initiatives, are activities designed to develop employees in their present roles as well as for future roles. It consists of identifying training needs, conducting training initiatives and measuring the ROI.

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