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R190.1 features for New report UI

1. Features to enhance security and flexibility in reports 

               Users now have more freedom and flexibility to decide which data is to be displayed and how. In this release we have added some new settings that allow users to share reports with added securtiy  

2. Compact Reports porting in New UI 

               Compact reports which are a more concise version of the Test-taker report allowing the user to view only important points , are now available in the New UI. 

Introducing Scheduled Test Link with Waiting Room

Scheduled test link with waiting room has been one of the most awaited feature for our Education customers.

Why we built it?

Waiting room helps prevent cheating and also helps manage exams in a better way. Below are some of the problems it solve:

  • Students had the flexibility to start their tests anytime during the access window. Many students intentionally started the exam late so that they can collaborate and get the questions leaked from other students who started the test early.
  • Students were intentionally disconnecting their internet and using the extra time to cheat and/or solve questions.
  • Eduction Institutes are used to offline exam model where you report at the exam center, get your ID checked, wait in the hall and at the specified time, papers are distributed and the exam starts. The exam ends at a specified time as well.

What did we build?

We’ve built a new way of scheduling assessments which is closer to the offline exams model. Below are some things we’ve built:

  • Reporting time window – setup the time when students are requested to report for the exam. Beyond this window, students will not be allowed to take the assessment. This is similar to the offline world.
  • Test Start/End Time – you can setup the start time for the test and the test will start at the same time for all the students. There is an ‘option’ to setup the test end time as well and at the defined time, test will finish for all students automatically.
  • Waiting Room – starting the test at the same time meant there had to be a provision for a holding area or a waiting room. As students get authorized, they ‘wait’ in the waiting room which is a page with some customizable instructions and test start timer displayed prominently. Once the time is up, the test starts for all students at the same time.
  • A new type of test link creation has been introduced – Scheduled – in addition to the existing ‘Access time’ based links. Scheduled links allow for scheduling the reporting time, test start time and test end time (optional).


Setting up with Waiting Room with Scheduled test link

All New Reports on Mercer Mettl – Get your upgrade now

Hey There!

You have reached All New Mercer Mettl Report User Interface introduction page.

What are new Mercer Mettl reports?  

Good Question! But before we get into “what” lets understand the “why” 

Keeping up with changing times and with the aim to enhance the reporting experience in Mercer Mettl, we embarked on the journey to upgrade Mercer Mettl reports  

After talking to our customers(because customers always have the best advice) and listening to what they have to say we have worked on improving their experience while reading Mercer Mettl’s reports thus aiding in making an informed decision about a test-taker with least amount of effort 

In a nutshell….. 

Our New reports are designed to support client branding, smart display of valuable information, smooth navigation, mobile first-cross device compatibility,Indian and International languages, are accessibility compliant in addition to being easy to use. Our solution provides the flexibility to quickly read through information with features like micro-dashboarding thus, reducing the time to make key decisions

Below are the detailed features of new MercerMettl Reports

  1. Branding: Add your own branding, using cover images  

      While conducting tests on any platform it is important to have your own organization’s branding and themes, because…….. why not! With  our newly introduced cover page branding , not only can you add your own logo but also add your own cover image which is in line with your company guidelines. Wow! 

  1. Improved data interpretation and easier navigation

They say data powers everything and with our micro dashboarding  data view & Improved graphs & charts  you can easily view all important information while always being aware of the test taker details and make key decisions in a jiffy(well not a jiffy,but you get the drift) 

  1. Features for evaluators and test administrators 

    (Only visible for reports which have question(s) which are not system graded i.e. to be evaluated manually by faculty) 

Amid covid ,evaluations moved online across the world.  Professors and teachers who have always been using pen and paper have come online (yea! It finally happened,) .One of our goals was to make life easier for professors & teachers, now with features like question bookmark and navigation soft checks etc, it is extremely easy to evaluate reports online.


  1. Mobile First- Cross Device Compatibilty

For people in a hurry, you really don’t need to open your laptop. Just open the link on your phone and do all that you can on the web in your phone. Pretty neat!

  1. Internationalization- Multi-lingual support

 We at Mercer Mettl speak to you in your language. Mercer Mettl reports now support 28+ International languages  

  1. Accessibility

User experience is a huge part of what makes any product successful. Keeping in mind the variety of users that we come across, our reports are accessibility complaint. 


In case these features have not reached your account. Please reach out to you Account Manager or our support team at

mettl-delivery@mercer.com with your account details

Introducing The New Test-taking Experience

Announcing the launch of Mercer-Mettl’s all-new test-taking experience which comes with a fresh and modern interface that’s simpler, faster and supports massive scale.

A few screens to show you how the New Candidate Experience looks like –

1. Landing Page –


2. Registration Page –


3. Custom Message Page (optional) –


4. Section Selection Page –


5. Section Instructions –


6. Test Taking Window –


7. Test Summary on ‘Finish Button’ click –


8. Test Completion and Feedback Page –


Here’s a quick summary of the enhancements in the new test-taking experience:
  1. Fully revamped test-taking journey with a fresh new interface to provide a massively better experience.  
  2. Latest technology stack to power a smoother and faster experience at high scale. 
  3. No requirement of downloading Chrome browser plugin. Lesser friction for test-takers. 
  4. All new calculators which are easier to use, provide history display and can be dragged anywhere over the interface for more convenience.
  5. Revamped case-study simulator with a built-in walkthrough for quicker onboarding.
  6. Immersive and distraction-free test-taking experience with the new Fullscreen Mode.
  7. New, mobile-first interface to provide a native-app like experience on mobile devices (coming soon).
  8. Microsoft Edge is now supported. Internet Explorer is no longer supported.
  9. Improved server logs to identify issues and provide a faster turn-around time in debugging and resolving issues. 
  10. Instant test resume available for the cases in which the candidate closed the test window and then tried to resume the test as compared to the 7-8 mins wait time earlier.   
  11. For the other cases when window was not closed by the candidate, they can now resume their test in 2-3 mins as compared to the 7-8 mins wait time earlier.   
  12. Candidate had to wait for 15 secs before the test started as some processing used to happen before the ‘Start Test’ button appeared, now test will start instantly.  
  13. A dedicated landing page has now been created to give a summary of the test (test name, number of questions, test duration etc.). This page also shows some generic instructions for all candidates in an easy-to-understand way. 
  14. All tests will now be conducted in a single window making it easier for candidates to follow the test instructions instead of getting notified in 2 different windows of various actions.  


Here’s a list of a bunch of features supported on the new test-taking experience:
  1. Waiting Room for test-takers.
  2. Watermark for cheating prevention.
  3. Uni-directional sections.
  4. File Upload confirmation.
  5. Internet Speed Indicator.
  6. Section time over notification.
  7. Display Maximum Marks for a question to test takers.
  8. Attempt any ‘N’ questions from a bunch of questions.
  9. Additional Compensatory time to special few test takers.

The new interface is being gradually rolled out to all customers. For any questions or feedback, please connect with the support team or write to your account manager.

Chat Support for Test Taker

Live chat support allows test-takers to have text-based conversations with support teams via the web.

Test takers facing issues can send their queries which can be answered by the Chat Bot, and alternatively if the test taker is unable to get answers, they can reach out to a live agent which can help resolve queries by providing support in real time.

With Chat Support test taker get multiple benefits, like:

  • Connect instantly with an agent.
  • Query resolution is quicker.
  • Wait time is negligible.


To know more reach out to Mettl Support at mettl-delivery@mercer.com.

Evaluator Reports | Provision for scanning uploaded files by an Anti-virus

Mercer Mettl has launched a feature to scan the external files uploaded by test takers during the test by an anti-virus software. Anti-virus used is ClamAV. The details of anti-virus scan will be available in the individual report of the test taker as follows:


Note: The functionality of scanning files for computer viruses is not enabled in an account by default. To use this feature in your account, kindly contact your Account Executive. You can also write to us on mettl-delivery@mercer.com for the same.


MFA via Authenticator App

Multi-factor authentication provides added security to your Mercer | Mettl account. In addition to the existing email OTP based login, you now have the option of using authenticator apps (Google, Microsoft and others) for seamless and secure login.

What we built?
Enabling support for using Authenticator Apps as Multi-Factor Authentication(MFA) to login into Mettl account.

Why we built it?
Currently, to sign into your account your need to enter a One Time Password(OTP) received over email. Often there was a delay in receiving the same. An authenticator will provide a faster and more secure way to login to the account. 

How it will change the process?

User is now allowed to configure Authenticator App under the Manage 2FA settings available on the Account Details Page. Once configured user can use the OTP on Authenticator App to authenticate and successfully login.

User notified for Introduction of Authenticator App

Configuring Authenticator App

User asked for Authenticator Code to get authenticated

New Features for Evaluators and Test-Takers

Education world has considerably moved towards the online paradigm in the recent past. To smoothen the transition both for the evaluators and the test takers, Mercer – Mettl has launched many exciting and easy-to-use features.

Features for Evaluators

1-Document Preview in Report 

Taking a step towards improving the grading experience of evaluators, Mercer Mettl’s test reports now have the provision to quickly view the  documents uploaded by test takers.

Instead of first downloading the documents and then viewing them, one may now them within Mettl reports, hence saving time and effort of evaluators.

Displays preview
Display of Preview of files in the Report

The feature allows Evaluators to view multiple file types such as Word, PDF, Excel, Notepad, PowerPoint and many more.

PDF file
 Word File
Image File 
Excel File
PowerPoint File


2-New and Enhanced Evaluation log

Evaluation logs capture the detail of evaluation done by individual evaluators such as evaluator’s name, marks awarded, evaluation comments, etc. With our latest enhancements we have not only updated the view into a table format but have also added the flexibility for a user to accept  marks out of evaluations done by multiple evaluators. 

In case any test report is graded by multiple evaluators, the admin has the flexibility to accept final marks awarded by one of the evaluators and the same will be used in the total score calculation. Marks of different evaluators can be accepted for different questions.

Evaluator log
Accept Feature

3. Question Bookmark in Test Reports

Manually evaluating answer sheets of curriculum exams in universities can be cumbersome because of large volume of test reports. This may eventually lead to errors in the evaluation.

Mercer-Mettl has introduced a new section for “Questions Bookmarks” towards the left in the test reports to address such issues while doing online evaluation of test reports. It can help the evaluators easily evaluate test reports as follows:

  • Questions shown in the Bookmarks section are the ones needing manual evaluation. Hence the evaluator has an all time view of these questions.
  • By clicking on any of the question number in the Bookmarks section, the page will automatically scroll to the respective question. Hence helping the user to easily navigate among questions in a report.
  • The grading status and marks will be displayed as per the evaluations done by the user viewing the report. Consequently, keeping him/her aware of the overall marks awarded at all times.

4. Soft checks for evaluators

  1. Soft check has been introduced with the aim to help evaluators grade all manaully graded questions
  2. If the evaluator navigates away from the screen without grading all manually graded question the below popup is displayed

3. Soft makes sure no question goes ungraded

4. Evaluator can  choose to navigate away without grading all questions by clicking “OK” button on the popup


Features for Test-Takers

1-Scan and upload handwritten answers using QR code

Test-takers now have the ease of uploading handwritten answers on  mettl platform using smart phones, which can be done using google lens or with mettl’s own inhouse app available on google play store.

1- Test-taker’s view : click on upload from the phone (QR) button

2- Test-taker’s view : After scanning the QR code test taker can click the image and upload on mettl plaform 

The answers once uploaded will be available to the evaluators in the test-takers report. The evaluator can view the images uploaded in one click without going through the hassle of downloading images first and grade them in the report itself.

1- Evaluator’s view : click on mobile icon to view image

2- Evaluator’s view : A popup displaying the image where evaluator has the option to zoom in/zoom out,rotate the image and navigate back and forth if test-taker has uploaded multiple images

Please click here to read more about the feature.

Mettl QR Scanner Android Application: In addition to the above feature of “Scan and Upload through QR Code” on Mettl platform, a new mobile application is also launched on Google Play Store to assist the test taker in easily scanning the QR codes through an Android Smartphone. 

2-Equation Editor 

Keeping in line with the vision of Mercer-Mettl to make  online assessments simple for test-takers,  we have introduced the feature of equation editor which allows test taker to easily write chemistry and mathematical symbols during online tests.

​Test-takers can easily choose symbols from the equation editors as shown below:

1- Test-Taker’s View : Symbols for math and chemistry are displayed in the editor as shown below. Students can choose which symbols to use

Math Symbols
Chemistry Symbols

3-Adding file Uploads to Essay Type Answers 

In order to allow test-takers to write text and upload corresponding diagrams, a new feature has been introduced  which allows test-takers to upload up to 3 files in the test taking window


R170 – Upload answers via QR code for test takers and Evaluation log updates

Scan and Upload through QR code for test takers

  1. In this feature, a new option has been introduced in the Long Answer Manual Graded questions. With this feature, test takers can seamlessly and securely upload handwritten answers as response to a question during the test.
  2. In addition to the above feature of “Scan and Upload through QR Code” on Mettl platform, a new mobile application is also launched on Google Play Store to assist the test taker in easily scanning the QR codes through an Android Smartphone.

For more information, please click here.

Enhancements in Evaluation Logs in Test Reports for Evaluators

The main objectives of this feature are as follows: 

  • UI and UX enhancements for the evaluation logs shown in test reports.
  • If a question is evaluated multiple times by various evaluators then a test administrator should be able to decide which evaluation needs to be accepted. 

For more information, please click here.

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