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R163.1 – Question Bookmark section in Test Reports

Question Bookmark to aid evaluators in evaluating test reports

Mercer-Mettl has released another feature “Questions Bookmarks” towards the left in the test reports. It will assist the evaluators with grading test reports as follows:

  1. Questions appearing in “Question Bookmark” are the ones requiring manual grading. Hence the evaluator has an all time view of these questions.
  2. By clicking any of the question number in the “Question Bookmark”, the page will automatically scroll to the respective question. Hence helping the user to easily navigate among questions in a report.
  3. The grading status and marks will be displayed as per the evaluations done by the user viewing the report. Consequently, keeping him/her aware of the overall marks awarded at all times.

For more information, please click here.

R163 – Bug Fixes for Coding Simulators

Below are the fixes in Hack that have gone live as a part of the R163 release.
1. R Simulator – Grading fix – Grading used to fail for candidates in case they used to generate plots by running test cases in spite of the plots getting generated and uploaded, making it a critical issue for sustained usage of this simulator.
2. R-Simulator – Display exact compiler version to candidates: R simulator now has the ability to extract and display the exact compiler version available to a candidate for a particular question.
3. Mean Stack Simulator – Wildcard certificate inclusion: We have shifted from “subpath” based URLs to “subdomain” based URLs in the MEAN stack simulator. This makes it much easier to add and display resources like images to the pages in the MEAN projects.

R162.1 – Procotring Bugs Fix

We have fixed the below-proctoring bugs with 19th June’s R162 dot release –

1. Fixed a bug because of which a proctor was getting allocated 3x-4x candidates as against the prescribed limit. This fix is specifically for cases where on reconnect proctor allocation logic had an issue.

2. Improved resolution of auth images – both an ID card and snap while registration. Fixed the problem where ID card and snap images were coming as a blur. We have reduced the compression for both. This should improve the first-time authorization rate.

3. “Select All” property in the LIVE FEED page can be made visible to only selected clients now. This property is configuration based at the client level. This is a safety check to prevent system overloading in the “All Candidates” use case.

R160 – File Upload in Long Answer, Report Page Enhancement & More

We have rolled out the following features & enhancements on the Examine platform-
1. File upload functionality in Long Answer type question –  New Feature
We have introduced the ability to upload up to 3 files of up to 30MB each in the Long Answer type question.
2. Reports Page Enhancement
Reports page now supports sorting/categorizing of test-takers based on the ‘Test Taking State’ (Yet to start, In Progress, Completed). Additionally, for ‘Yet to Start’ candidates, functionality has been added to Download their details in an excel as well as Revoke their candidature for that test link.
3. Access Time Enhancement 
Now a candidate will be able to resume the test even after the access time elapses without Mettl Ops having to increase the access time for them). Earlier this was possible only through Ops intervention.
4. Other Bug fixes & improvements.

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