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Top 14 objectives of recruitment and selection

Recruitment | 8 Min Read

Top 14 objectives of recruitment and selection


When organizations onboard top-performing candidates for crucial roles, business processes become streamlined and centered on employee growth and development. Recruitment objectives enable organizations to recruit top talent and build high-performance teams. Practical recruitment objectives align a company’s hiring requirements with its long-term goals.

This blog details the nuances of recruitment objectives and elaborates on the intricacies surrounding the hiring objectives of an organization.


What is the objective of recruitment

The objective of recruitment is to hire the most suitable candidates for different positions. The foremost recruitment objective of any organization is to select the right talent along with other goals. The recruitment process, in recent times, has been geared toward prioritizing the applicants’ preferences and requirements, and accordingly, the goals have been reflecting this change. In the recruitment process, organizations actively seek potential candidates for the vacant position and encourage them to apply. Recruitment objectives are the targets set by recruiters, ensuring the appointment of suitable candidates for job openings. The primary goal of recruitment is to attract a larger pool of applicants for available positions. Vacancies are announced through various channels, and interested candidates are provided with application forms. Critical tasks in the recruitment process encompass assessing job requirements, handling applicant responses, and creating a shortlist of potential candidates.


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What is the objective of selection

The selection process determines the best candidate from the pool of applicants. Both processes share the primary goal of filling vacancies with the most qualified candidates but have distinct objectives. The objective of selection guides recruiters in identifying the most qualified candidate among the applicants. Activities related to the objective of selection include reviewing resumes, conducting assessments, eliminating unsuitable applicants, and cross-checking referrals.


What is the objective of a recruitment and selection process?

It is crucial to evaluate the objectives of the recruitment and selection process. It comprises a series of steps through which one assesses the candidates. Recruitment and selection are integral parts of a multi-faceted strategy, and they provide the following benefits:


Transparency while hiring


A recruitment and selection process ensures that the HR, recruiter, and reporting or direct manager actively attracts, identifies, and selects the best candidate. Being transparent also involves keeping candidates updated about their application status.


Consistency in hiring results


Setting different selection criteria for every candidate makes it impossible to determine the effectiveness of each individual. To achieve consistency and eliminate bias, implementing a standardized process is crucial. A recruitment and selection process facilitates this.


Accuracy in job descriptions


For the recruitment process to be effective, the organization’s needs must align with the applicant’s needs. Similarly, a well-conducted selection process ensures that the right person joins the workforce. An accurately crafted job description helps by clearly outlining what one seeks in an ideal candidate and the benefits for new hires. Proactive communication reduces the stress of recruiting and demonstrates the company’s clarity and openness.


Merit-based hires


The purpose of the recruitment and selection process is to ensure that hiring is conducted fairly and legitimately and that candidates are not discriminated against based on gender, race, nationality, or religion.


How would you define recruitment goals?

Understanding the need for recruitment goals and defining them is vital. Clarifying objectives pays off, saving the hassles of trials and errors. It streamlines the hiring process. Well-defined recruitment objectives, along with selection objectives, are conducive to creating an effective hiring strategy. Moreover, clarity in goals saves time, cost, energy and resources, creating an efficient hiring strategy.

  • Starting with listing requirements

These can include questions such as: How many employees will be recruited? What are the available positions for hiring, and what jobs would be available in the future? Clarifying these basic requirements helps allocate time and energy in the right direction.

  • Considering the average turnover rate

Factoring the average turnover rate into the hiring equation helps define the goals. The turnover rate represents the number of people hired instead of those who have taken exit over a certain period. This crucial HR key performance indicator implies the organization’s stability. The turnover rate is defined through workforce data collected over the entire year.

  • Analyzing each department’s staffing requirement

After considering the turnover rate, it is essential to determine and analyze each department’s recruiting intervention levels and assess whether it works at total capacity. Vacancies require varied levels of attention.

  • Prioritizing preparation

The recruiter must prepare for hiring beforehand. It is not feasible to prioritize growth-focused hiring over turnover; both must be the recruiter’s top priority.

  • Focusing on quality, not quantity

A selective approach to recruitment helps hire top talent who add immense value. Therefore, focusing on employee quality is vital. Analyzing their competencies, performance, and underlying personality traits, engaging in professional deliberations with the team to outline essential qualities in employees, and sticking with those preferences are vital to the organization’s growth and engaging new hires further.

  • Determining the current stage

Recruitment objectives are dependent on the current stage. The workforce needs will differ from a legacy enterprise to a budding startup. The goals and preferences change as one advances through the different business stages, and a diverse workforce accommodates the changing needs.

  • Building a successful talent pipeline

By understanding the recruitment objectives, one can create a talent pipeline framework. Well-defined recruitment goals are the building blocks of developing a talent pipeline. It helps in understanding the needs of prospective employees and tailoring offerings to suit them. It is a win-win for both the recruiter and the jobseeker.


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How do you set recruitment goals?

It is crucial to strategically approach goals and analyze if they are attuned to the recruitment needs and are specific, relevant, measurable, time-critical, and attainable. Asking the right questions, gleaning insights from reviewing the current recruitment efforts and prioritizing mission-critical key performance indicators helps set achievable goals.

Thoughtful goals prioritization based on business objectives and unwavering support from the leadership team are crucial for ensuring that the approach is aligned with the organization’s broader strategy. It is fundamental to regularly track performance and KPIs, monthly or quarterly, and update the objectives with consistent achievement of the benchmarks.


The eight hiring metrics that do matter

Setting recruitment objectives involves implementing new strategies and tracking efforts to stay relevant in a competitive, talent-driven landscape. Keeping a close eye on some crucial metrics is essential to better understand the recruitment goals before selecting a goal. Some of them are:


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Applicant completion rate:

This metric measures the number of applicants who complete and submit a job application. It provides insights into how convenient or cumbersome a given application process is.

Applicants per hire:

This metric determines the average number of job applicants per job opportunity. It is simple, trackable, and measurable and highlights how convincing a job description is and how compelling the employer's brand is.


This crucial recruiting metric determines how long a company can fill a position once the opening has been made public. It is an indicator of the efficiency of the recruitment process.

Cost of vacancy:

It is a baseline metric for tracking the revenue lost due to an unfilled position. It helps employers set priorities for open positions based on the cost of vacancies for each role. 

Cost per hire:

Cost per hire metric identifies the expenses involved in hiring. In addition, it encompasses the overall cost of integrating new hires into the company.

Turnover rate:

This metric determines how many employees leave an organization over a period. Although employee turnover is typical, a high turnover rate is alarming.

Offer acceptance rate:

This metric determines the percentage of applicants that accept a job offer. It helps employers uncover how appealing their job offers seem to candidates, which also determines the efficacy of their employer branding strategy.

Quality of hire:

This metric focuses on the value newly hired candidates add to the organization's culture and business. It helps employers understand the percentage of onboarded candidates who have significantly contributed to the company and gotten along well with their teammates.


The 14 key objectives of recruitment and selection for attracting the right talent

There are numerous recruitment objectives to pursue top talent and ensure a smooth and efficient selection and recruitment process. Following are the fourteen objectives set for a talent acquisition expert:

1. Improve the quality of hires

Improving the quality of the hire is fundamental in recruitment and is regarded as one of the most crucial objectives of selection. Finding a suitable talent matching the job position and company culture is challenging. Therefore, leveraging pre-employment assessment tools and structured interviews to filter out candidates helps find and retain employees who are potential assets to the organization.

One can focus more on the most viable candidates by narrowing down the talent pool and condensing it to the most suitable options. It reduces the possibility of overlooking a person’s exceptional credentials and refines the quality of hires.

2. Up your networking efforts

While the all-pervasive impact of social media has been substantial, its impact on recruitment goals is also significant. Expanding the networking and socializing horizon creates a brand image that resonates among the targeted talent pool, attesting to the authenticity and reliability of the organization. This approach directs the right talent toward the company. Integrating recruitment tools into social media channels helps reach a far more significant number of candidates and stay prepared throughout the recruitment process.

One’s network is instrumental in finding the best talent from diverse backgrounds. Colleagues, other recruitment partners, ex-employees or other professionals in the industry are also an integral part of one’s network. They provide valuable referrals or help find the most qualified candidates for job openings. Conducting HR conferences or marketing events aids in expanding the network and sourcing top talent.

3. Conduct an in-depth talent assessment

Along with recruitment goals, it is essential to assess aspirants on multiple criteria, such as:


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Following a balanced assessment approach is necessary to evaluate candidates on distinct aspects. In such cases, one can vouch for the accuracy of the hiring decision. Therefore, pre-employment assessments are pivotal in measuring critical traits and skills. Pre-employment tools measure candidates’ core traits and acquired skills. Generally, these tool suites offer various scalable and customizable assessments, such as personality, cognitive, behavioral, communication skills, technical, and coding assessments.

4. Focus on building an innovative recruitment marketing strategy

Recruitment marketing efforts aim to attract, engage and onboard the top talents in an organization. Recruitment is a continual process that the organizations are invested in year-round, even when not hiring. Creating a remarkable brand image, adopting the appropriate talent assessment tools, participating in recruitment events, and building connections are some measures that constitute the core of talent strategies. These endeavors improve recruitment marketing strategies.


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5. Monitor the employee turnover rate

Turnover is an inevitable part of an employee’s life. Companies have already reckoned with the after-effects of turnover, but a higher turnover rate is considered a cause of concern for organizations. Thus, monitoring the employee turnover rate becomes one of the critical recruitment objectives. Talent acquisition experts must observe and analyze the turnover rate to form a robust talent pipeline before any job opportunity arises.

Understanding the turnover rate improves the recruitment process. Knowing the reasons behind the departure of employees helps correct and amend the candidate sourcing and recruiting process.

6. Build a thriving talent community

A talent community is a means to keep active talent pipelines for future considerations. It is a group of individuals who would be an ideal fit for an organization, but present circumstances keep them from joining the company. Building a talent community is of great help, especially when there are positions to fill without impairing the quality of hire.

7. Improve employer’s branding

The importance of employer brand value is greatly acknowledged because it provides ample benefits to the organization; it is one of the critical recruitment objectives. A LinkedIn survey revealed that 72% of recruiting leaders realized a strong employer brand’s impact on hiring. These stats underscore that the company must recognize this vital aspect.

The employer’s reputation as a workplace and the employee value proposition matter most to the job seekers. A powerful employer brand quickly draws the candidates’ attention, directly corresponds to a surge in applications, increases the quantity of the talent pool, and simplifies the talent acquisition process.

8. Keep close tabs on the cost-per-hire ratio

As a recruiter, lowering the cost-per-hire rate of hiring initiatives is an excellent goal worthy of consideration. The cost-per-hire ratio means the amount of capital invested in recruitment efforts over a period divided by the number of newly hired employees. It is an excellent metric to manage the hiring budget more effectively. It is helpful to analyze which marketing initiatives and communications channels better attract and engage prospective hires and then use those substantiated methods more often.

9. Optimize the screening process

Organizations should develop and deploy a seamless recruitment and selection process. Streamlining the process begins right from pre-screening, which involves collecting necessary information about the candidate. Organizations can employ technology in the HR processes for screening, interviewing or shortlisting. Sifting through a hefty pile of resumes is one of the tedious aspects of hiring because HRs are bound to receive diverse applications.

An automated pre-employment testing platform can significantly streamline the first stage of hiring. It determines which candidates’ potential and experience match the critical job requirements, allowing hiring managers to shortlist candidates for the following interview round.

10. Support new hires to a greater extent

Helping new hires in an unknown professional environment will go a long way in ensuring high employee engagement. Many recruiters feel their main task is complete once employees get the job; however, assisting new hires from preboarding to the onboarding process and after improves the work environment. This gesture encourages new hires to develop a strong bond with the organization, creating a more positive and trustworthy environment.


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11. Avoid hiring failure

Increasing new hire failure rates can be highly concerning, so addressing it is a crucial recruitment objective. Generally, finding suitable talent seems simple when the only onboarding criterion is based on a résumé and cover letter. Yet, finding a suitable-fit talent through shuffling resumes is not feasible. While most recruiting leaders emphasize hiring quality, few realize the best ways to measure it.

In these instances, digital recruitment tools come into play. A recent Aberdeen Group study revealed that organizations with necessary provisions for pre-hire screening were able to lower their turnover rate. The results of a holistic pre-hiring assessment help understand a candidate’s skills, personality, interests, etc. An underlying uncertainty is inherent and inevitable in hiring. However, the presence of helpful tools and methods aids in avoiding hiring blunders and is worth consideration.

12. Manage your job postings page devotedly

Companies prioritize having a dedicated job opening/hiring page on their website, and it is essential to update it regularly. A professional job posting page is easily navigable by applicants if it is clutter-free, visually balanced, and allows candidates to register their details and connect with others conveniently. In addition, keeping the hiring page of the organization’s website updated also helps interested candidates stay abreast of the available jobs, allowing them to conduct research and contact without a hassle.

13. Ascertain who fits in with the company culture

Cultural fit assessment is a factor in onboarding candidates who have the potential to thrive or excel. A cultural fit is someone integral to the growth of an organization and is closely aligned with the broader organizational vision. Therefore, talent experts must zero in on candidates who adhere to the company’s work culture. It can be achieved using psychometric personality assessments and other related tools to identify people most likely to fit well in the workplace’s culture and environment.

14. Encourage employee development

Potential candidates are likelier to associate with an organization offering ample growth opportunities. Encouraging professional development can be pinned as a crucial recruitment goal, including discussing career objectives with each candidate, familiarizing them with the company’s mission and vision, and enlightening them on future growth opportunities. Companies that champion employee development by understanding their capabilities and strengths and providing many avenues to grow in their careers have a high retention rate.



With a thorough understanding and clarity of recruitment goals, it is necessary to prioritize and build an essential talent pipeline. Mercer | Mettl’s pre-employment assessments offer a holistic pre-employment testing software to scientifically measure candidates’ core traits and acquired skills. The suite of pre-employment assessment tools consists of personality, behavioral, cognitive, technical, coding, and communication skills assessments.

Setting relevant goals streamlines recruiting and attracts quality candidates to fill existing job openings. However, despite no current job openings, building and maintaining a talent pipeline is crucial. Understanding recruitment and selection objectives impact an organization’s offer acceptance rate, reinforcing employer branding. It translates to a streamlined selection process and healthy hiring practices that work wonders for the company’s growth.



What are the objectives of recruitment?

What are the objectives of selection?

What is recruitment in human resources?

Originally published February 26 2020, Updated July 4 2024

Written by

Abhilash works with the Content Marketing team of Mercer|Mettl. He has been contributing his bit to the world of online business for some years now. Abhilash is experienced in content marketing, along with SEO. He’s fond of writing useful posts, helping people, traveling, and savoring delicacies.

Objectives of Recruitment and Selection

Help Your People Find Meaning in Their Work

The primary objectives of recruitment and selection are to ensure high-quality candidates who are culturally fit and work toward shared organizational goals and vision.

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